Igor Klymenko: Defending the country, you demonstrate the true heroism that shapes our nation code

28.02.2024 13:50

This was emphasized by the Minister of Internal Affairs during the award ceremony of the soldiers of the State Border Service, the National Guard, the National Police and the rescuers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

Thus, by the Decrees of the President of Ukraine for their personal courage and courage, steadfastness and determination in the performance of military and official duty in conditions associated with the risk to life during measures to ensure national security and defense, repelling and deterring armed aggression of the Russian Federation, those present were awarded the Order of Bodang Khmelnitsky II and III degree, “For Courage” II and III degree and Daniel Halytsky.

In addition, the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine awarded departmental incentive awards “Firearms”.

“The fighters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs make up 20% of the security and defense forces of our country. And next to the Armed Forces, we knock the enemy out of our lands on a daily basis. Our units work without rest on the line of contact and every citizen of our state should know about your feat and the price of the upcoming Victory,” said Igor Klymenko, addressing those present.

The Minister of Internal Affairs also noted the work of the rescuers of the State Emergency Service, who under round-the-clock shelling rescue people and eliminate the consequences of attacks:

“Every day, dozens of times a day, you go to eliminate the consequences of shelling. The enemy targets civilian and critical infrastructure, destroying everything around. And it goes on every day, but thanks to your titanic work, we are able to save human lives.”

Igor Klymenko stressed that every employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system will not be forgotten by the state and will have all the necessary social protection.

“Our citizens and all of us must remember the price at which victory and holding the borders are given to us. This is the price of the health and lives of our fighters. It is for this purpose that we have developed a system that will accompany the injured servicemen or employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their families. We are talking about full social protection. Each of you should have a job, no matter what, because you gave your own health for the sake of our state,” the Minister said.

At the end of the award ceremony, Igor Klymenko thanked each of those present for their steadfastness and courage on the battlefield, as well as for their loyalty to the oath.

“We keep our spirits up, together until Victory!”, — summed up the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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