Igor Klymenko: He got acquainted with the work of the laboratory DNA complex of the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

02.05.2024 14:00

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine visited Dnipropetrovsk region on a working trip. He discussed with OVA Chairman Serhiy Lisak the main security challenges in the region. Also Igor Klymenko got acquainted with the work of the laboratory DNA complex of the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He wrote about it on his official T elegram channel.

During the month of operation of this newest equipment, specialists have already conducted almost 300 studies that allow to identify the unidentified dead, speed up the investigation of crimes, including war crimes.

Also, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs visited one of the medical institutions where military and police are being treated. Inspected the updated operating room, talked with doctors.

“Wounded Heroes should receive the most prompt and professional assistance from the moment of admission to the medical institution until the completion of rehabilitation and subsequent return to health or employment,” Igor Klymenko stressed.

He met with National Guard heroes undergoing treatment.

“We talked about the front, wounds received during the fighting, post-rehabilitation plans. These are the military who, at an important moment in history, came to the defense of Ukraine. These are the defenders with whom we will build a secure state together,” said the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in his post.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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