Igor Klymenko: The Ministry of Internal Affairs is fruitfully working on legislative changes in the issues of preventing and combating domestic violence
This was emphasized by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine during a joint meeting of law enforcement and other state bodies on combating domestic violence, protecting the rights and interests of victims of such offenses.
The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko said that one of the priorities of the department is the implementation of the project “Safe Country”, one of the components of which is the fight against domestic violence. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to update the mechanism for responding to such cases.
“Due to the situation in the state, the tension in society has increased, many people have lost loved ones, housing, jobs. A large number of internally displaced persons appeared, and the intensity of violent behavior increased. We take into account these and other negative trends in the analysis of the security situation in the country. In turn, the Center for Strategic Analysis and Forecasting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs constantly monitors the security situation, tracking the dynamics of statistical indicators over several years. According to the results of the latest assessment, several indicators have reached a high level, among which is domestic violence,” the Minister of Internal Affairs informed those present.
In order to ensure the inevitability of punishment for offenders, the Ministry, together with the deputy corps, developed two draft laws. Such legislative changes will create additional protection mechanisms for those affected.
“I am convinced that the implementation of these initiatives will protect vulnerable people from domestic violence and significantly improve the state of affairs in this area,” said the Head of the Department Igor Klymenko.
In addition, since June this year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the Office of the Prosecutor General, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Social Policy, launched a pilot project to implement international child-friendly justice standards into practical activities.
Prosecutor General Andrey Kostin focused the attention of those present on a number of aspects that require special attention. Among them: timely registration of criminal offenses and response to cases of domestic violence, proper qualification of such crimes, comprehensive assistance to victims, as well as increased attention to children who have witnessed domestic violence.
“I am convinced that the human-centered approach in the criminal justice system should be the main and only possible approach. The effectiveness of combating such complex problems as domestic violence directly depends on the coordination of all responsible parties: law enforcement agencies and prosecutors, the government, state institutions and non-governmental organizations,” Andriy Kostin emphasized.
Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine