Igor Klymenko: We are all together preparing for further combat achievements

08.02.2023 19:15

Today, February 8, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine presented state awards to servicemen of the National Guard. In total, according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine, 116 servicemen were awarded orders and medals for performing their official duty in conditions associated with the risk to life during measures to ensure national security and defense, repulse and deter armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

The state awards were presented by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko.

“We continue our fight against an insidious and powerful enemy. Unfortunately, the state spends a lot of resources on this. Some areas are almost completely destroyed, our critical infrastructure is broken. But most importantly, our servicemen put the most precious thing on the scales of victory - their lives and health. This affects the country and our relatives,” the head of the department noted at the beginning of the ceremony.

In this context, he noted that in the hall there is the mother of one of the decorated servicemen — Nelia Grigorivna, one son of whom died in April, and the second — is still fighting and received the award today.

Among the award winners, a significant number are still in the process of treatment and rehabilitation or have recently returned to their units, having just recovered their health. Therefore, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs wished everyone who was injured a speedy recovery and return to health.

“We are waiting for you in our units, because your experience and courage, charisma are important for the entire system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard in particular, where the recruitment of assault brigades is currently underway. Their fists and bones should be experienced and fired, brave fighters. Their experience should be passed on to the generation of patriots who are now joining the ranks of the National Guard, the National Police, the State Border Guard Service. We are all preparing together for further combat achievements,” the Minister emphasized on the current process of creating brigades of the “Guard of Offensive”, in which the combat professional component is extremely valuable.

The National Guard heroes awarded at the event support the decision to create assault units, which they believe is now a fairly timely process. In particular, Captain Artem Klymenko, commander of the 2nd Battle Group of the Special Purpose Group of the Northern Kyiv TU NGU, who was awarded the Order “For Courage” of the 2nd degree, spoke in support of the formation of the “Guard of the Offensive” and was awarded today with the Order “For Courage”.

By the way, on the combat account of the officer and his group, participation in the Kiev defense operation, successful execution of tasks in the Izyum direction and in general Kharkiv region. Our warriors, risking their lives, conducting reconnaissance, identified enemy positions, destroyed light armored vehicles and tanks, capturing the life force of the aggressor. Then their withdrawal was multiplied by the assault actions in the industrial zone of Severodonetsk.

At the end of the ceremony, Igor Klymenko wished everyone to take care of themselves and their brothers:

“But this path will be quite thorny. Thank you everyone for their service, and for not being afraid, thanks to you, our country is holding the punch on the battlefield.”

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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