Igor Klymenko: Preparing for the launch of the state register of territories contaminated with explosive objects

04.04.2024 14:30

This was reported by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko in an interview with the Interfax-Ukraine news agency.

“If we are talking about the Center for Humanitarian Demining, which is coordinated by the Ministry of Economy, then at present the Center is at the stage of formation. For our part, we (the Ministry of Internal Affairs) submit to the Center information about the state of minetization of territories and their demining,” the Minister noted.

Instead, Igor Klymenko drew attention, preparing for the launch of the state register of territories contaminated with explosive objects, the holder of which has already been determined by the State Emergency Service, but this information must also be verified by the Center for Humanitarian Demining

At the same time, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs thanked for international support to partners who make an important contribution to the demining of Ukraine.

He recalled that last year a conference on humanitarian demining was held in Croatia, as a result of which Ukraine allocated about half a billion euros for assistance in this area.

“Japan helps a lot, we have several areas of cooperation. Special equipment, vehicles, equipment of sappers,” the Minister said.

A separate area is the training of specialists and the exchange of experience.

In turn, the Ministry of Internal Affairs makes the process of using this assistance completely transparent.

“We know where which unit of equipment works, how this or that equipment is used. It's not just about accounting and control. It is about the trust of our partners and their desire to continue to help Ukraine,” Igor Klymenko stressed.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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