How animals help in the rehabilitation of fighters: psychologists discussed the involvement of service dogs

23.04.2024 19:00

Psychologists of the Northern Kyiv Territorial Administration organized a meeting with representatives of the police canine center, where they discussed the prospects of using service dogs to provide emotional assistance to servicemen.

Kateryna Bilyaeva, an officer of the police dog center in the Kiev region, presented to the psychologists of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs an innovative direction in the field of canology - emotional support using service dogs, a method known as canister therapy.

The police dog service already has three certified four-legged assistants who are trained to cooperate with servicemen after receiving various kinds of injuries. Some of these pets were present at the meeting. They demonstrated their dexterity, friendliness and ability to support people in emotionally charged situations.

The need to maintain the mental state of defenders is growing and requires the constant development of psychologists.

National Guard of Ukraine

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