How to teach children mine safety: an online course for rescuers and police starts

18.12.2023 11:00

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, launched an online course “How to teach children mine safety” for educators, rescuers and police officers. It is dedicated to the effective teaching of mine safety to children and adolescents in view of their age and psychological characteristics in an interactive form.

“Every day, police and rescuers worry about the safety of Ukrainians. Now the scale of explosive contamination of our territories obliges Ukrainians to master new safety rules. This course will help you learn how to effectively and correctly teach children and adolescents about mine safety, traffic rules and water safety. Specialists will be able to effectively involve children and young people, understanding the peculiarities of their development and perception. I thank everyone who daily contributes to the formation of new knowledge of children and saves their life and health,” said Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Kateryna Pavlichenko.

The course is available on It offers students a comprehensive lesson plan with children and adolescents on handling explosive objects and is based on international standards. The course provides teachers with practical tools to form safe behaviors in areas potentially contaminated with mines and other explosive objects. UNICEF has engaged experts in child and age psychology, pedagogy, inclusive education, mining education and behavioural change to help course participants become effective safety drivers for children and young people.

“Safe behavior skills play a key role in a child's development, especially during war. In addition to routinely informing children about the dangers, it is essential to form safer behaviors in them. When children learn and demonstrate this behavior, it eventually becomes a habit that can save lives,” said Munir Mamedzade, head of UNICEF's mission in Ukraine.

The course has two versions: one designed for educators, the other for employees of the State Emergency Service and the National Police.

After completing the training, the students will learn:

  • how to teach mine safety to children of different ages;
  • how to conduct classes interactively, whether there is a place for the game;
  • how to work offline and online;
  • how to understand the emotions of the child;
  • how to overcome anxiety before class.

All participants who complete the full course will receive a certificate of advanced training.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


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