How the National Guard and its comrades from the Armed Forces managed to keep the “northern fortress” - Chernihiv

02.02.2023 14:00

Despite the enemy onslaught, air strikes and constant artillery shelling, destruction and casualties among the townspeople, the Ukrainian Defense Forces managed to prevent the enemy from entering Chernihiv. And subsequently, to push the enemy group beyond the state border. This is the result of the courage and hard work of the defenders of the regional center, who were universally supported by local citizens.

No one expected such an active and large-scale phase of the Russian offensive on all fronts

Among the defenders of the city on Desna were the National Guards of one of the military units of the Northern ATO NGU under the command of Colonel Igor Orynek.

Igor Sergeevich was born in Kharkiv region and continued the officer dynasty. His father is a military pilot in the army aviation, and his grandfather was also an officer. As a child, due to his father's service, the family often changed garrisons, in particular abroad — Germany, Hungary, Lithuania. As soon as the Soviet Union collapsed, the Oryns returned to their native Ukraine, and their father continued his career in Chuguev. Igor also wanted to follow his example, because he dreamed of being a pilot, but his health failed a little, so he shifted his attention in choosing a profession to the then Internal Troops. All because the BV unit was stationed in the neighboring Bashkirovka, he was there — he was very impressed by the image of the tight-fitting guys in berets. Yes, and in Kharkiv, their specialized university invited young people for the cadet class. That is, it all happened that in four years Igor Orinko became a lieutenant and was assigned to the capital's military unit.

— In 2019, he decided to change the garrison and moved to Chernihiv, where he headed the unit, whose main specialization is the protection of public order and convoys. If we recall the atmosphere at the end of 2021, in fact, no one expected such an active and large-scale phase of the offensive of the Russians on all fronts. We were preparing for a slightly different scenario. Then it was the provocations on the Belarusian-Polish border with the participation of illegal migrants. Our unit worked out a response to the likely adversities associated with this artificial crisis. In particular, these are joint measures with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, border guards, police and SBU to prevent the penetration of illegal immigrants from Belarus. Of course, elements of repulse of enemy armed aggression were modeled, but as you understand, there was another aspect at the tip of the preparation, - Igor Orinko tells about the time preceding the Russian aggression.

... There was a nagging sense of something bad in society. In the media, various authoritative experts, especially foreign ones, repeated the thesis about the real threat of a full-fledged war with Russia. It is quite natural that many did not want to believe in this very barbarism, which was predicted by experts on the subject who had serious insights. It was expected that the aggravation would affect a maximum of eastern terrain, well fortified over the past eight years.

- Judging even by our military team, no one went anywhere, did not take his family anywhere, despite the alarming news. Everyone stayed in Chernihiv. Everything changed in a day or two, when active fighting rapidly approached the city, - says Colonel Orynko.

When “West-2021” joint exercises with the Russians were launched in Belarus in late autumn, security maneuvers also began in the north of Ukraine, when units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the SBU and the National Guard moved to certain frontiers. Probably, this played a positive role for the Chernihiv direction, because some units, in particular the 1st Panzer Brigade, were then located in positions somewhat closer to the border, which affected the ability to repel the enemy's offensive.

Concrete blocks were pulled out at the airport's takeoff so that the enemy would not take advantage of its lanes

... The morning of February 24th. The duty service reported to Igor Sergeevich that the Russians dropped a grenade on the border post “Dniprovske” from a copter and are the first wounded border guards. The guards immediately established a constant exchange of information with the border guards.

The commander raised the part and brought it to full combat readiness. The interlocutor says: they clearly knew what to do. After all, it was this option, “which was not believed”, the military also repeatedly worked out and therefore began to act according to the well-known algorithm. The most important thing at this time is to do everything to organize the proper state of combat functionality of the military team. Then there is the receipt of weapons and ammunition, the exit of the equipment to the designated area of deployment and the outlined boundaries. Everything worked out without panic and chaos — step by step. To the surprise of the officer, they even managed to fit into the deadlines much shorter than the guidelines and orders specified for such tasks.

— In our direction, hostilities began almost immediately and we carried out defense tasks. The most important of them then was the occupation of the airfield “Pivtsi” north of Chernihiv. The first company tactical group of the division advanced there and took up positions there to prepare fortifications. In particular, we pulled out concrete blocks for the summer so that the enemy would not use its lanes for their intended purpose, - recalls the first days of the Russian offensive, the defender of the city.

At first, the enemy “felt” our redoubts, and their columns went without much fire. Some columns were so large that they needed up to 40 minutes to get through. Probably, they had confidence that significant resistance from Ukrainians should not be expected. Presumably, it was the concept of squeezing out our forces, which, according to the plan of the Russian General Staff, would simply retreat in a state of shock. But closer to Chernihiv the picture has changed. Already on the approaches to the “Pivtsi” the occupier began to use heavy armored vehicles. And the next day, reinforcements from the 1st Separate Tank Brigade of the Siver Brigade pulled up to the National Guards. Together, the brothers each time repel the enemy's attempts to advance on shells from the forest strips.

As soon as the enemy crosses the state border with Belarus, its disposal will immediately begin

On February 26, the guards moved to defend the perimeter of the ring road around Chernihiv. It was, in fact, the first line of the northern fortress, as the city began to be called later. It was on the ring that the tanks of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces hit the first Russian tank. He turned out to be a commander. There was an enemy combatant. It was possible to take him prisoner, and the mechanic driver died. Local people helped to catch the officer, who said that someone jumped out of the enemy car and immediately began to hide in the private sector. The soldiers of the NGU processed this information and captured the battalion commander and the shell gunner in addition.

- From the first days, we were carried warm clothes, clothes, tea, various dishes, although in principle everything was enough. But it was the awareness of such support and solidarity that was very inspiring in the conditions of war. We understood that we had someone to fight for, and this greatly raised the mood and fighting spirit, - the commander recalls the help of Chernihiv residents in that hot period of defense of the city.

When in April the enemy rolled back beyond the state border, all his forces left, which around Chernihiv amounted to about 20 thousand “bayonets” - if they were not stopped here, they could and would have gone further to the capital. The interlocutor noted subordinates who quickly learned to fight in a combat environment, when even old BTRs or RPGs in skillful hands became effective weapons.

After the de-occupation of the region, all sorts of terrible things and crimes surfaced that Putin's soldiers managed to do in this relatively short time. Igor Orinko tells how in the settlements in their direction, which were under occupation, the Buryats and Yakut were looted. For example, in the village of Yagidnoe, they drove people to one basement in a club. There people stayed for several weeks, standing without any kind of support for life, which is beyond the limits of the principles of humanism.

In April, part of Orynek gradually shifted their focus to organizing service at checkpoints, patrolling Chernihiv, guarding objects, that is, on tasks inherent in the National Guard.

Regarding the potential threat from Belarus, he assures: The Defense and Security Forces are now ready for different scenarios. Several echelons of defense have already been built in threatening directions throughout our northern border. As soon as the enemy crosses the state line, its disposal will immediately begin.

When asked “What will you do after the war?”, Colonel Igor Orinko admitted that he dreams of going with his family somewhere to relax. And then - again, the service and improvement and development of its unit.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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