Efficiency of the provided equipment and further cooperation: the head of the State Border Service met with the US Senator (video)

19.09.2023 16:45

The head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Sergey Deineko held a meeting with US Senator from Arizona Mark Kelly. The specifics of the execution of tasks by border units, the use of previously provided assistance by the defenders and the prospects for further support were discussed.

The head of the State Border Guard Service noted that the border guards are the first to repel the enemy. And directly in the combat zone, the border units are an integral part of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. In turn, the means provided by the United States more than once saved the lives of Ukrainian border guards on the battlefield.

In addition, the representatives of the foreign delegation asked the opinion of the border guards on the effectiveness of the provided equipment. Weapons, vehicles, night vision devices, means of communication and medicine, UAV complexes were demonstrated.

Serhiy Deyneko introduced Mark Kelly to the aviation component of the State Border Guard Service. In
particular, with the samples used in border protection, how they are applied and how it is planned to strengthen the aviation component of border guards.

The American senator noted that it is unacceptable for Russia to win. Therefore, the US position on the need to increase the volume of international technical assistance to Ukraine is unshakable.

The head of the State Border Guard Service expressed gratitude to the US Senator for the support of the Ukrainian people and emphasized the effectiveness of the organization of cooperation, thanks to which various projects of international technical assistance are being implemented today.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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