The second anniversary of the liberation of Kyiv region from the invaders: a ceremony honoring the memory of the defenders was held in Moshchon

21.03.2024 15:33

On the second anniversary of the liberation of the Kiev region from Russian occupiers, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky took part in a ceremony commemorating the defenders who died during the defense and liberation of the village of Moshchon.

The celebrations were joined by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko. Representatives of the government, military command, relatives, relatives and relatives of the fallen defenders also took part in the events on the territory of the future memorial “Angels of Victory”.

The Head of State presented state awards to servicemen of the Armed Forces, the State Border Service, the National Guard, the Security Service of Ukraine.

The Presidential Medal “Cross of Combat Merit” was received by a member of the defense of Kiev, Lieutenant Colonel of the State DPSU Mykola Demjanjuk. He organized defense in the most dangerous and difficult direction of the enemy's advance in the area of Moshchon. He also distinguished himself during the fighting in Kharkiv region.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


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