Combat medics of the brigade “Fury”: We are constantly learning, because every second saved saves lives

05.06.2023 19:45

Medics in the combat zone play one of the key roles. After all, without exaggeration, the life of the fighters depends on their efficiency and skills.

Police officers of the combined assault brigade of the National Police of Ukraine “Fury” completed the training course in one of the training centers. Skills were mastered according to the system TCCC (Tactical Сombat Сasualty Сare) - this is the standard of providing assistance in pre-hospital medicine on the battlefield.

In life-saving courses, the fighters trained to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, stop bleeding, do indirect heart massage, cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Mandatory stages were held — theoretical and practical courses. It was the latter that received the most attention.

“Simple things save lives. A clear understanding of the algorithm of actions will help to pull yourself together in an emergency and provide first aid to the victim. For us, the main thing is the life and health of people, so the instructors took the exam as meticulously as possible. We understand perfectly well that while there is time — we must use it to the maximum advantage,” says the combat medic of the brigade with the nickname “Holidays”.

The life and health of Ukrainian defenders depend on a clear system of pre-medical care, which combat medics must build in each unit. And this is a responsibility that only a true professional can assume.

All fighters who trained as combat medics received TSS certifications and returned to their units.

National Police of Ukraine

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