About 50 objects of destroyed civilian infrastructure: police document consequences of shelling in Zaporizhzhia
As a result of armed aggression, servicemen of the Russian army damaged the homes of residents of Gulyaypol, shops and other local objects. There was no information about the victims.
Representatives of the Russian Federation do not stop destroying the settlements of the Zaporizhzhya region. Gulyaypole is under constant enemy fire. The last day recorded the largest number of appeals from local residents regarding the damage caused.
On May 29, the enemy mercilessly shelled high-rise buildings, private residences of Gulyaypils and other civilian infrastructure.
As a result of the armed attack, windows and doors were knocked out, walls and slate roofs were damaged in the homes of civilians.
In the courtyards of people, the adjacent territory, fences, garages and other outbuildings were destroyed.
About a dozen grocery stores were damaged by artillery shelling. The local prayer house and post office were also destroyed.
On the occasion of the war crime, the police transferred the collected materials to the USBU in the Zaporizhzhya region to resolve the issue of opening criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Violation of the laws and customs of war”.
Police Communication Department of Zaporizhzhya Oblast