About UAH 2 million in profit per month: seven drug traffickers will be tried in Kyiv
The capital's law enforcement officers exposed seven accomplices who were involved in drug trafficking. Every month they had a profit of about two million hryvnias.
The attackers established drug distribution schemes in the capital and Vinnytsia region. The drug group included relatives and people close to each other. The attackers acted according to an agreed plan. For this, various means of conspiracy were used, including periodically changing the addresses of residence. They were packing drugs there. Communication with each other and with buyers was conducted on social networks, changing phone numbers.
The police, together with the SBU employees, documented the sale by intruders of a wholesale batch of methadone in the amount of about 200 thousand hryvnias and detained all defendants in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.
Then drug dealers left a hiding place for the “client” in a forest lane near a gas station on the Odessa highway. It was in the form of two socks, in which there were 500 so-called “checks”. For each package with methadone as a “gift” there were two pills of a potent drug - dimedrol. Subsequently, these drugs got to several couriers for sale on the territory of Kiev.
Members of the organized criminal group were informed of suspicions of committing a number of criminal offenses: according to Part 4 of Art. 28, Part 1, 2 of Art. 307 - illegal acquisition, transportation and storage of a drug for the purpose of sale, as well as illegal sale of a drug, committed a crime by an organization and committed repeatedly, in large quantities, under Part 4 of Art. 28 part 3, 4 of Art. 321 - illegal acquisition, transportation and storage of a potent medicinal product for the purpose of sale, as well as illegal sale of a potent drug committed by a criminal organization, committed repeatedly and in particularly large sizes, according to Part 4 of Art. 28 part 3 of Article 307 - illegal acquisition, transportation and storage of a drug for the purpose of sale, as well as illegal sale of a drug committed repeatedly, in particularly large sizes and by a criminal organization, according to Part 1 of Art. 255 - creation of a criminal organization, leadership management by such an organization or its structural parts and according to Part 4 of Art. 28 Part 1, 2 of Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - the use of funds obtained from the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and potent drugs in order to continue the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and potent drugs, committed by a criminal organization and committed repeatedly.
The perpetrators were natives of the Kyiv region, born in 1995, 1998, 2001, 2002 and 2003.
The court chose preventive measures for six detainees in the form of detention without the right to make bail, and sent one defendant under house arrest.
The indictments are referred to the court. For the crimes committed, offenders face up to twelve years in prison with confiscation of property.
National Police of Ukraine