Azov fighters captured Russians during the assault on the estuary (VIDEO)

01.04.2024 17:30

Soldiers of the Azov Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine were captured by the Russians during the assault operations on the estuary direction. The soldiers of the Russian army came under fire from their own artillery, received first medical aid from Azov fighters and were evacuated from the battlefield.

According to the Russians, their command is irresponsible, their fighters abandoned and even under the fire of their own artillery. The captured occupiers addressed the soldiers of the units of the Russian army: “Guys, look at each for yourself. Everyone has their own opinion. I made a conclusion for myself - there is nothing to do here.”

Documentary footage of the capture of Russian servicemen, about the motivation to go to kill in Ukraine and the attitude towards their own military command, see the material of the 12th Special Purpose Brigade “Azov” of the NGU.

National Guard of Ukraine

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