Barrierlessness in the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: a story that will not leave anyone indifferent

27.05.2023 19:00

Local resident Alexander Vladimirovich turned to the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kherson to restore his damaged documents. As it turned out, Mr. Alexander came under fire and received several wounds in the chest and leg. He miraculously remained intact despite significant cut wounds. Documents and documents were damaged during the shelling. They were with him in the inner pocket of his jacket, and therefore saved the life of his husband. Employees of the service center restored documents to Kherson as quickly as possible.

A tragic story, but with a good ending. We need to be aware of such cases and talk about the terrible consequences of this ruthless war. Despite the experience, Alexander Vladimirovich constantly jokes and smiles. He has grandchildren and a wife, makes plans for the future and looks forward to the opportunity to engage in his favorite summer cottage after the complete liberation of Kherson region.

Note that in general, older visitors note convenience, accessibility and ease in obtaining services. Registration operations with vehicles or the exchange of driver's licenses are not something complicated. These services do not require much time and outside help. Everything is simple and easy. In the words of our esteemed clients: “no unnecessary documents are required, consultations are exhaustive, e-queue coupons are generated in a timely manner, and each client can pay for the service in the bank terminal independently.”

Providing public services in service centers take into account the capabilities and needs of all citizens without exception. Employees answer customers' questions as clearly and understandably as possible. Service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs constantly monitor the condition of the premises and take into account all the requirements of an inclusive approach. Facilities are equipped with convenient waiting areas, have parking spaces near the entrance and a minimum of thresholds and stairs in the building.

A quality government service should be equally accessible to everyone.

Main service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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