The seized assets of the Kherson traitorous deputy for more than 640 million UAH transferred to the state fund

15.02.2024 16:00

Currently, investigators are conducting a pre-trial investigation into a 44-year-old deputy of the oblast council. Law enforcers accused him of involvement in the commission of two crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine — state treason and collaboration. At the end of January this year, the court arrested the property assets of the suspect.

And now the investigating judge supported the request of the investigation to transfer the seized assets to the National Agency of Ukraine for the detection, search and management of assets obtained from corruption and other crimes (ARMA).

Last year, police investigators informed the deputy of the Kherson Regional Council in absentia about the suspicion of involvement in the crimes stipulated in Part 5 of Art. 111-1 “Collaborative activity” and part 2 of Art. 111 “State treason” of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The suspect faces imprisonment for 15 years or life imprisonment for confiscation of property.

As noted by the police, sanctions of articles incriminating a suspect provide for the possibility of confiscation of property as an additional type of criminal punishment. In order to ensure the possibility of execution of the sentence of the court in terms of the application of punishment in the form of confiscation of property, on the initiative of the investigators, the court in January this year arrested all the property of the suspect, which was recognized as material evidence in criminal proceedings.

In order to preserve the physical evidence, as well as to preserve its economic value, at present, according to the results of the court's consideration of the request of the investigator agreed by the prosecutor, it was decided to transfer the property to the National Agency of Ukraine for Identification, Search and Asset Management (ARMA).

Thus, the investigators implemented the only legal mechanism to date, which provides the possibility of confiscation of the property of a person who can later be found guilty by a court verdict of treason and collaboration. In the event of an indictment and conviction of the accused to confiscation of property, all seized property will be turned over in favor of the state.

In total, the arrest was imposed on:
● land plots with a total value of UAH 524.7 million; ● other movable and immovable property (vehicles, weapons, residential and economic structures) for UAH 93.134 million;
● corporate rights of legal entities for UAH 22.6 million. Total amount of seized property amounted to 640 441 800 UAH

National Police of Ukraine

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