Arrested assets of Russian company worth UAH 350 million

17.08.2022 16:45

70% of the authorized capital of the enterprise — the manufacturer of semi-finished products — belongs to the citizen of the Russian Federation.

Operatives of the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police, together with the detectives of the Bureau of Economic Security and prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office, established an enterprise with ties in the Russian Federation. 70% of its authorized capital belongs to a citizen of the aggressor country.

In addition, law enforcement officials found out that the officials of this enterprise introduced a “scheme” to evade taxes. Controlled companies were involved in it, through which funds were withdrawn.

In order to block operations on the alienation of property and the subsequent withdrawal of funds to the Russian Federation for corporate rights and real estate of the enterprise, arrests were made. The total amount of seized assets reaches UAH 350 million.

Within the framework of criminal proceedings investigated for tax evasion, the final amount of damages caused to the state will be established.

Recall that the property and corporate rights of the Russian company for more than 220 million UAH were transferred to ARMA. The founder of enterprises - manufacturers of paper products and building mixtures - turned out to be a citizen of the Russian Federation from the sanctions list of the National Security and Defense Council.

Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine

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