40% of driver candidates successfully pass the theoretical exam after self-training

12.02.2024 16:00

More than 4,000 people passed the theoretical exam after self-training in the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs throughout Ukraine since the beginning of this year. Of these, more than 1.5 thousand successfully passed the test, which is about 40%.

Future drivers can study the theoretical module both in a driving school and independently. Driver candidates may use printed or electronic literature. Also study the rules of the road on the topics of the curriculum.

To test knowledge, an online traffic simulator is useful. It shows the questions that will be on the theoretical exam.

To pass a theoretical exam, it is necessary to contact any convenient service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which carries out examination activities. Services are provided by electronic queue coupons. It is possible to record through the E-record functionality or the terminal, which is located in the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You must have the following documents with you:

  • passport with a mark on the place of registration or ID card;
  • identification number;
  • a medical certificate confirming the suitability to drive a vehicle of the selected category.

20 minutes are allocated for passing the theoretical exam. During the test, 2 errors are made, if more - the exam is not passed. The next attempt is possible 10 days after the unsuccessful one. The cost of passing a theoretical exam costs 250 UAH.

Main service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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