26 people evacuated “white angels” from Avdievsky direction (VIDEO)

29.02.2024 16:40

The police crew of the “White Angel” evacuated 26 people from the Avdievsky direction. Over the past 12 days, more and more residents of the Ocheretin community of Donetsk region are turning to the police for rescue.

The enemy attacks the village of Uman almost every day. The other day, the occupiers destroyed a private house there with two rockets. There were no more residents in it. However, people still live in other destroyed homes.

The 88-year-old woman was left homeless by the Russian army. In the house, only the walls partially survived. A small mobile woman and her relative “white angels” were evacuated to Dobropillia.

Another family requested an emergency evacuation. Due to a severe illness, the mother was in critical condition and needed immediate medical attention. The woman, her husband and her son “white angels” were taken to the hospital. Sadly, a 67-year-old woman has died. As a result of Russian armed aggression, she did not have access to treatment and proper care.

In 12 days, the “white angels” delivered more than a ton of humanitarian aid to the villages of Umanske, Berdychi, Orlivka, Semenivka. Police officers risk their lives every day to provide citizens with the necessary assistance.

Phone number of the group “White Angel” on the Avdievsky direction - 066-56-19-102.

National Police of Ukraine

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