20 air bombs per hour: White Angels evacuated residents of Novooleksandrivka under shelling (VIDEO)

01.05.2024 11:30

From Novooleksandrivka to the front line — less than a kilometer. On this day, the police managed to save 16 people from the front line, and then Lydia Stepanovna, who left the occupation on her own. Russian CABs broke up near the crew, as well as on the street, where the “White Angels” persuaded citizens to leave.

As soon as the White Angel group drove into Novoalexandrovka, Russia launched a bomb attack. In an hour, about two dozen CABs “flew” through the village and neighboring settlements, the entire horizon burned. Such a situation on this part of the front for more than a week. During this time, at least two people died in Novoalexandrivka alone, so there were more people willing to leave.

Evacuation took place in several “drives”. The crew maneuvered between explosions, more than once had to lie on the ground. However, all the passengers were taken to a safe place by the police.

The oldest survivor is 86 years old, he is wounded, the youngest girl is 24 years old. While fleeing, people took with them the most valuable - 48 chickens.

The “white angels” often beg: “Take away my mother/father/grandmother/son.” But not all residents agree to leave, even when their neighbors die.

Out of 700 residents in Novooleksandrivka, about two dozen remained. In turn, the group “White Angel” will continue to take people from hell as much as possible.

National Police of Ukraine

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