10 thousand dollars for crossing the border and protective suits: the situation at the border

20.03.2024 14:30

The fighters of the Lviv border patrol, together with law enforcement officers, exposed the organizer of the channel of illegal transportation of persons across the state border. A 19-year-old Lviv resident planned to organize an illegal transfer abroad for a man in military service for a monetary reward.

He promised the “client” to produce fictitious documents about the status of a father of many children. The attacker estimated his services at 10 thousand dollars. The organizer was detained. He was informed of suspicion of committing a criminal offense under Part 3 of Art. 332 Criminal Code “Illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine”. The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of seven to nine years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years with confiscation of property.

And in Odesa region, operatives of the Podolsk border detachment together with border guards of the Belgorod-Dnestrovsky detachment detained a group of people near the village of Gradenytsi, Bilyayevsky district. Two organizers were looking for potential “clients” who intended to cross the border illegally. They brought them to one of the border villages and gave instructions on their further actions. For their services, dealers asked for $5,300 from each. However, part of the amount - $1,000, the “clients” had to transfer to a crypto wallet.

Law enforcement officers possessed data on the location of intruders and detained them. Since the route was to pass through the Kuchurgan estuary, the merchants took care of their “clients” in advance. To do this, they were equipped with protective suits. Both organizers were informed of suspicion under Part 3 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine” and a precautionary measure was chosen.

For eight travelers, protocols on administrative offenses under Part 2 of Article 204-1 of the KUPP “Illegal crossing or attempted illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine” were drawn up.

In total, on March 19, 57,000 people and 17,000 vehicles crossed the western borders of Ukraine with the EU and Moldova (in the Chernivtsi region).

From Ukraine - 29 thousand people left. 18 thousand of them crossed the border with Poland, the rest followed to other EU countries and Moldova.

To Ukraine - 28 thousand people followed, 25 thousand of them - citizens of Ukraine.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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