Register of information on the status of a person in criminal proceedings and criminal proceedings

Description of the project:


The register of information on the status of a person in criminal proceedings contains information about suspects, accused, acquitted and convicted persons.

The purpose of creating a register is to ensure a uniform record of persons who are suspected, accused of committing criminal offenses, or against whom acquittal or criminal convictions have been issued by the court.


Expected results:

Due to the introduction and functioning of the registry, it is envisaged:

- automated information-analytical processing of statistical reports on persons suspected of, accused of committing criminal offenses, or against whom the court has issued acquittal or guilty verdicts;

- optimization of information and search systems

- to deal with such persons using modern and productive search tools, which in turn will contribute to increasing the productivity of law enforcement agencies;

- ensuring full automation of the provision of information certificates at the request of individuals to obtain information about themselves about the presence or absence of information about a criminal record.