Modernization of electronic information resources in the field of road safety

Description of the project:


The system for fixing administrative offenses in the field of road safety in automatic mode is an interconnected set of technical, software and hardware means of processing information files and metadata and exchange using telecommunication networks, information necessary for the implementation of organizational and procedural measures during the implementation of compliance control Rules of the road by its participants.

Expected results:

Modernization of the system for fixing administrative offenses in the field of road safety in automatic mode will allow:

- improve the quality of management of situations related to ensuring road safety;

- use reliable mechanisms for collecting and processing information from road sensors and other technical means of collecting traffic information;

- organize a reliable, efficient and secure process of information exchange, provision of services for informing road users;

- maintaining law and order in public places.

Service for checking administrative offenses in the field of road safety recorded in automatic mode



Electronic Driver Cabinet



Details of payment of fines Addresses of photo-video cameras and permitted speed of movement
Addresses of authorized units of PPP for contacting citizens on issues of auto-fixation Launch of the system of automatic fixation of violations
of traffic


REGULATORY AND LEGAL PROVISIONS Code of Ukraine on Administrative
Law of Ukraine “On National Police”
Law of Ukraine “On Road Traffic”
Rules Procedure for the functioning of the system of
fixing administrative offenses in the field of ensuring traffic safety in automatic mode Procedure for technical operation of the administration fixation system Rational offenses in the
ensuring road safety in automatic mode


Anton Gerashchenko
: By 2024, it is planned to install 1.5 thousand stationary cameras for photo-video fixation of traffic violations. For 45 days of operation of the system of video fixation of traffic violations, the speed of the car has decreased by 5 times

Arsen Avakov: For 10 days of operation of the photo-video fixation system, the number of speed violations has halved Start of the system of automatic photo video fixation of traffic violations: From June 1, violators will receive administrative posts