A single service for the identification of individuals

Description of the project:


To ensure the electronic identification of individuals, it is necessary to introduce joint technological solutions with functions of biometric verification/identification, input of biometric data, management of these data by the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the use of the means of the EIS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and to meet the needs of the bodies of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other bodies for the verification of biometric data.


Expected results:

The introduction of the ESIFO will allow:

- implement the technology of end-to-end identification and bringing information about the person in accordance with a single identifier, which will correspond to the format of the unique registration number in the Unified State Demographic Register;

- to bring information in other national electronic information resources into line with a single identifier;

- facilitating the identification of the person at the time of provision of documentation services.