Aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

In order to promptly and adequately respond to the challenges and threats facing Ukrainian society, the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to create a single Aviation Security System of the Population.

As part of the construction of the System, it is planned to use both existing aircraft (An aircraft and helicopters Mi-2, Mi-8, EC-145) and H-125, H-145 and H-225 helicopters purchased under the contract with Airbus Helicopters.

The helicopters received under the contract are planned to be used in the aviation units of the following bodies: the State Emergency Service, the State Border Service, the National Police and the National Guard.

The main tasks of helicopter units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

01. Aeromedical evacuation

02. Rescue operations

03. Maintaining public order

04. Anti-terrorist and special operations

05. Protection of the state border and maintenance of safety on the roads