Report on periodic monitoring of the performance of the regulatory act of the PCMU 1000

1. Type and name of the regulatory act

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 02, 2015 № 1000 “On approval of the license conditions for conducting economic activities for the production and repair of non-military firearms and their ammunition, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons of caliber over 4.5 millimeters and bullet flight speed of more than 100 meters per second second, trade in non-military firearms and their ammunition, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons of caliber over 4.5 millimeters and bullet flight speed of more than 100 meters per second; production of special means charged with substances of tearing and irritating action, personal protection, active defense and their sale” (with amendments) (hereinafter referred to as the regulatory act).

2. Name of the performer of the tracking activities

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

3. Objectives of the adoption of the act

The regulatory act was adopted in implementation of paragraph 11 of the first part of Article 7, part of the second article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Economic Activities” and in order to determine the uniform procedure for the initiation and implementation of activities for the production and repair of non-military firearms and their ammunition, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons of caliber over 4,5 millimeter and bullet velocity of more than 100 meters per second, trade in non-military firearms and their ammunition, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons with a caliber of more than 4.5 millimeters and a bullet flight speed of more than 100 meters per second; production of special means charged with tear and irritant substances, personal protection, active defense and their sale (hereinafter — activities in the sphere of circulation of weapons and special equipment) by economic entities through the establishment of an exhaustive list documents attached to the application for licenses, uniform organizational, personnel and technological requirements that are required to be fulfilled at the time of obtaining the license and during the conduct of activities.

4. Timeframe for the implementation of tracking activities

From September 25 to October 26, 2020.

5. Tracking Type


6th. Methods for obtaining tracking results

The method of obtaining tracking results is to obtain statistical data by analyzing the number of business entities covered by the act, proposals for amendments to it received from the entities by the licensing authority during the implementation of state supervision (control) measures.

7. Data and assumptions based on which performance was tracked, as well as ways of obtaining data

The monitoring of the performance of the regulatory act was carried out in accordance with the Methodology for Tracking the Performance of the Regulatory Act, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 308 of March 11, 2004, by evaluating the following statistical indicators:

the number of business entities to which the regulatory act applies;

the number of applications for obtaining licenses for carrying out activities in the field of circulation of weapons and special equipment;

the number of proposals and requests of individuals and legal entities to improve the norms of the regulatory act;

the number of appeals and complaints regarding the activities of business entities covered by the regulatory act;

the level of awareness of business entities on the main provisions of the regulatory act.

Statistical indicators are obtained by submitting them directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

8. Quantitative and qualitative values of indicators of the effectiveness of the act


Indicator Retracing from August 14, 2017 to September 24, 2017 Periodic tracking from 25.09.2020 to 26.10.2020

Units of measurement

Number of business entities subject to regulatory act 319 332


Number of applications for obtaining licenses for conducting activities in the field of circulation of weapons and special equipment for the period of tracking the effectiveness of the regulatory act ! 3 ! 0 Units
Number of proposals and requests of individuals and legal entities to improve the norms of the regulatory act ! 12 ! 0


Number of appeals and complaints regarding the activities of business entities covered by the regulatory act ! 0 ! 0


The level of awareness of business entities regarding the main provisions of the regulatory act High. The resolution is posted on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and published in the official printed edition of the “Official Bulletin of Ukraine” and the newspaper “Government Courier” High. The resolution is posted on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and published in the official printed edition of the “Official Bulletin of Ukraine” and the newspaper “Government Courier”  


9. Evaluation of the results of the implementation of the regulatory act and the degree of achievement of the specified goals

The regulatory act as a whole has achieved the goals set when it was adopted, but needs to be revised in connection with amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities”.


Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen AVAKOV