Report on periodic tracking of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine dated April 05, 2016 № 255/369/132/344


on periodic monitoring of the effectiveness of the regulatory act

1. Type and name of the regulatory act

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine of April 05, 2016 No. 255/369/132/344 “On Approval of Requirements for Institutions Carrying Out Training, Retraining and Upgrading of Vehicle Drivers, and Qualification Requirements to specialists who carry out such training”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 04, 2016 under No. 672/28802 (hereinafter referred to as the Order).

2. Name of the executor of the performance tracking activities

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.


3. Objectives of the adoption of the act

The regulatory act was developed in accordance with Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine “On Road Traffic”, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 20, 2009 No. 487 “On Approval of the Procedure for Training, Retraining and Upgrading of Vehicle Drivers”.

The objectives of the regulatory act are to bring the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs into line with the legislation and create the appropriate conditions for high-quality training, retraining and professional development of drivers of vehicles.

The term of validity of the regulatory act is permanent.


4. Deadline for performance tracking measures

Implementation of measures to track the effectiveness of the regulatory act was carried out in the period from 27.02.2021 to 07.04.2021.

5. Tracking Type

Periodic monitoring of performance.

6. Methods for obtaining tracking results

To conduct periodic monitoring of the effectiveness of the regulatory act, a statistical method of obtaining results was used.

7. Data and assumptions on the basis of which the performance was tracked, as well as the methods of obtaining the data

Tracking the effectiveness of the Order was carried out by analyzing the data of the Unified State Register of Vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For the tracking, the indicators that were determined during the preparation of the regulatory impact analysis were used:

  • the amount of revenues to the state and local budgets and state appropriations related to the action of the act;
  • the number of business entities and/or individuals to whom the act will apply;
  • the amount of funds and time that will be spent by business entities and/or individuals related to the fulfillment of the requirements of the act;
  • the level of awareness of business entities and/or individuals on the main provisions of the act;
  • the number of accredited educational institutions with the subsequent issuance of certificates of state accreditation of an institution that trains, retrains and advanced training of drivers of vehicles;
  • the number of certified specialists who carry out training, retraining of drivers of vehicles.

8. Quantitative and qualitative values of the performance indicators of the act

Quantitative and qualitative values of performance indicators of the regulatory act










Accredited educational institutions with subsequent issuance of certificates of state accreditation of an institution that carries out training, retraining and further training of drivers of vehicles




Certified specialists who carry out training, retraining of drivers of vehicles




Amount of revenues to state and local budgets*

353730 UAH**

Number of business entities and/or individuals subject to a regulatory act

The action of the regulatory act applies to all business entities that train, retrain and improve the qualification of drivers of vehicles

Amount of funds and time spent by business entities and/or individuals related to the fulfillment of the requirements of the regulatory act

The action of the act did not lead to an increase in the cost of works or an increase in the duration of their performance for business entities related to the fulfillment of the requirements of the act

The level of awareness of business entities on the main provisions of the regulatory act

High level of awareness was ensured by posting the Order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

* The amount of revenues to the state and local budgets was calculated for the entire period of validity of the Order.

** The calculation was made taking into account the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated September 25, 2010 No. 461 “On Approval of the Amount of Fee for State Accreditation of Institutions Training, Retraining and Retraining of Vehicle Drivers”, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 15, 2010 for N 929/18224.

In accordance with the above-mentioned order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated September 25, 2010 No. 461, the amount of the fee for conducting state accreditation of institutions that train, retrain and advanced training of drivers of vehicles is 195 UAH.

From the beginning of the entry into force of the regulatory act until the implementation of periodic tracking measures, the number of accredited educational institutions is 1814.

9. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the regulatory act and the degree of achievement of the specified goals

According to the results of periodic monitoring (compared to the results of basic and re-tracking), there is a dynamic increase in the number of accredited educational institutions and the number of certified specialists.

Compared to 2017, the number of accredited business entities training, retraining and retraining vehicle drivers increased by 251 (or 30%) in 2018 and 959 (or 112%) in 2021.

The number of certified specialists compared to 2017 in 2018 increased by 5108, and in 2021 - by 17507.

In accordance with the data of periodic monitoring of the effectiveness of the regulatory act, it can be concluded that its implementation made it possible to achieve certain goals by establishing a unified approach to the accreditation of institutions and specialists, which, in turn, provides adequate conditions for the training, retraining and further training of drivers of vehicles, and therefore regulatory action achieves the goal.

Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen AVAKOV

____ __________2021