Report on the basic monitoring of the performance of the regulatory act

1. Type and name of the regulatory act

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of August 09, 2016 No. 711 “On the Procedure for Accounting and Issuing Permits for the Installation and Use of Special Light Signal Devices of Auto Yellow (Orange) Color on Vehicles Responding Entities of Security Activities”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 06, 2016 for № 1217/29347.

2. Name of the performer of the tracking activities

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

3. Objectives of the adoption of the act

The regulatory act is developed in accordance with part five of Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine “On Security Activities” and paragraph 1 of paragraph 16 of the Procedure for State Registration (Re-registration), deregistration of cars, buses, as well as self-propelled vehicles designed on the chassis of cars, motorcycles of all types, brands and models, trailers, semi-trailers, motorcycles, other vehicles and mopeds equivalent to them, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1388 of September 7, 1998, in order to streamline the installation and use of special light signaling devices of auto yellow (orange) color on vehicles of response entities of security activities.

4. Timeframe for the implementation of tracking activities

Tracking the effectiveness of the order was carried out from August 11, 2017 to September 11, 2017.

5. Tracking Type

Basic tracking.

6. Methods for obtaining tracking results

Tracking the effectiveness of the regulatory act was carried out on the basis of statistical data on the registration and issuance of permits to security entities for the installation and use of special auto yellow (orange) light signaling devices on response vehicles.

7. Data and assumptions based on which performance was tracked, as well as methods of obtaining data

Since the date of publication of the regulatory act on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, proposals and comments to it have not been received.

8. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the act

From the date of entry into force of this regulatory act, its action is characterized by the following indicators:

the effect of the regulatory act applies to all subjects of security activities;

the regulatory act regulates the issue of installation and use of special auto yellow (orange) light signaling devices on response vehicles of security activities;

since the date of entry into force of the regulatory act, 141 applications of security entities have been received for obtaining permits for the installation and use of special auto yellow (orange) light signaling devices on response vehicles, as a result of which 545 above-mentioned permits were issued and issued.

Qualitative and quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the regulatory act during the basic tracking indicate the proper level of awareness of business entities on the main provisions of the regulatory act ensured in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and current regulations.

In order to improve the efficiency of the implementation of the state regulatory policy on the registration and issuance of permits to the subjects of security activities for the installation and use of special light signaling devices of auto yellow (orange) color on the response vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “On Amendments to Certain Regulatory and Legal Acts was developed Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”, which involves the decentralization of the provision of the above-mentioned service. The specified draft act was approved by the State Regulatory Service (decision of August 09, 2017 No. 348).

9. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the regulatory act and the degree of achievement of the specified goals

Based on the results of the basic monitoring of the effectiveness of this regulatory act, it can be concluded that its implementation provides a regulatory settlement of the issue of the installation and use of special light signaling devices of auto yellow (orange) color on response vehicles of security activities.

The regulatory act complies with the principles of state regulatory policy.

A re-tracking of the performance of this act will be carried out in 2018.



Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

A. B. Avakov


_____ __________ 2017