AMENDMENTS to the Activity Plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the preparation of draft regulatory acts for 2020, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated December 13, 2019 № 1044


Order of the Ministry
Internal Affairs

___________ № _____



to the Activity Plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the preparation of draft regulatory acts

for 2020, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

from 13 December 2019 № 1044


  1. Paragraph 2 of the Plan to exclude.
  2. To supplement the Plan with new paragraphs 24-27 of the following content:

No. of sales/n


Type and name of the draft regulatory act


Objectives of the adoption of the draft regulatory act


Deadline for preparation of draft regulatory act


Name of bodies and departments responsible for the development of draft regulatory acts

He's 24.

Draft Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “On Approval of the Methodology for Predicting the Consequences of Spill (Emission) of Hazardous Chemicals During Accidents at Chemically Hazardous Objects and Transport”

To comply with the requirements of paragraph 18 of the second part of Article 17 and paragraph 9 of the first part of Article 35 of the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine, paragraph 2 of Chapter IV of the Rules of Technogenic Safety, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 05.11.2018 No. 879, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 27, 2018 under No. 1346/32798



I'm 25.

Draft Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 12.12.2018 № 1007 “On approval of the unified form of the act drawn up on the results of the planned (unscheduled) event of state supervision (control) on the compliance of the licensee with the requirements of the legislation in the field of conducting business activities from the superannuation the provision of services and the performance of fire-fighting works according to the list determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and other forms of administrative documents”

Introduction of a unified form of an act drawn up as a result of a planned (unscheduled) measure of state supervision (control) on compliance by the licensee with the requirements of legislation in the field of conducting economic activities for the provision of services and performance of fire-fighting works according to the list determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and other forms documents in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities”



I'm 26.

Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to the License Conditions for the Conduct of Security Activities”

Compliance with the legislation of the Licensing Conditions for the Conduct of Security Activities, Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 960 of November 18, 2015 (as amended)



(Licensing Office)

I'm 27.

Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Licensing Conditions for the Conduct of Economic Activities for the Production and Repair of Non-Military Firearms and Ammunition for It, Cold Weapons, Pneumatic Weapons Caliber Over 4.5 Millimeters and Ball Flight Speed Over 100 Meters Per Second trade in non-military firearms and their ammunition, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons of more than 4.5 mm caliber and a bullet flight speed of more than 100 meters per second; production of special vehicles loaded substances of tear and irritant action, personal protection, active defense and their sale”

Compliance with the law of the license conditions of conducting economic activities for the production and repair of non-military firearms and their ammunition, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons with a caliber of more than 4.5 millimeters and a bullet flight speed of more than 100 meters per second, trade in firearms of non-military purpose and ammunition for it, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons of caliber more than 4.5 millimeters and a bullet flight speed of more than 100 meters second; production of special devices charged with substances of tear and irritant action, personal protection, active defense and their sale”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 02, 2015 No. 1000 (as amended)



(Licensing Office)

Director of Department

legal support Denys HORBAS