AMENDMENTS to the Activity Plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the preparation of draft regulatory acts for 2020, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated December 13, 2019 № 1044

APPROVED Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
of Ukraine ________№______


to the Activity Plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the preparation of draft regulatory acts for 2020, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated December 13, 2019 No. 1044

To supplement the Plan with new paragraphs 28-30 of the following content:

No. of sales/n


Type and name of the draft regulatory act


Objectives of the adoption of the draft regulatory act


Deadline for the preparation of the draft regulatory act


Name of bodies and departments responsible for the development of draft regulatory acts

He's 28.

Draft Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of December 07, 2009 No. 515 “On Approval of Certain Regulatory Acts Regulating the Procedure for Training, Retraining and Upgrading of Vehicle Drivers in Institutions Carrying Out Such Activities, Their State accreditation and certification of specialists, as well as admission of citizens to drive vehicles, issue (exchange) of driver's licenses”

Bringing the regulatory act into line with the requirements of the legislation, improving the procedure for obtaining and exchanging a driver's license



(Main Service Center)

He's 29.

Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the implementation of an experimental project on the implementation of distance training, retraining and further training of drivers of vehicles by accredited institutions through the educational portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs using distance learning technologies”

In order to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 on the territory of Ukraine, taking into account the decision of the State Commission on Technogenic and Ecological Safety and Emergency Situations, taking into account the appeal of citizens and people's deputies on the realization of the constitutional right of persons to distance learning, as well as solving other problematic issues regarding the reception of persons by distance a form of teaching theoretical knowledge (additional theoretical knowledge) on the Rules of the Road, the structure and operation of vehicles, the basics of traffic safety and the provision of pre-medical care to ensure the training, retraining and further training of drivers of vehicles by accredited institutions through the web portal (educational portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) using distance learning technologies through the application of modern information and communication technologies in accordance with the agreed work programs and plans for training, retraining and improvement of qualifications of drivers of vehicles.



(Main Service Center)

He's 30.

Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the implementation of an experimental project on the implementation of state registration of new cars, buses, motorcycles and mopeds of all types, brands and models, self-propelled vehicles designed on the chassis of cars, trailers and semi-trailers for them, motorcycles, etc. vehicles equivalent to them through manufacturers, distributors and authorized dealers who sell them”

In order to simplify the procedure for registering new vehicles



(Main Service Center)

Director of Legal Support Department