In accordance with Articles 9, 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of State Regulatory Policy in the Field of Economic Activity” (hereinafter — the Law), in order to receive comments and suggestions from individuals and legal entities, their associations, the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Licensing Act” is published Conditions for conducting security activities” (hereinafter referred to as the draft resolution) and analysis of its regulatory impact.
The developer is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
The draft resolution was developed in accordance with paragraph 2 of the order of the Prime Minister of Ukraine dated November 19, 2019 No. 36239/1/1-19 on bringing the regulatory legal acts of the Government into compliance with the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving the Procedure for Licensing of Economic Activities”.
The draft resolution provides for amendments to the License Terms
1) supplementing the list of documents attached to the application for obtaining a license: a copy of a document confirming the availability of places of conduct of its activities, in which the service of customers of security services will be carried out, for low-mobility groups of the population; with information confirming the absence of control over the activities of the business entity in the meaning specified in Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Economic Competition”, by residents of states carrying out armed aggression against Ukraine, in the meaning given in Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Defense of Ukraine”.
Exclusion from the list of documents that are attached to the application for obtaining a license documents confirming compliance with the established conditions of attraction and the absence of restrictions in relation to security personnel, due to the impossibility of submitting them to the licensing authority at the stage of obtaining a license;
2) supplementing organizational requirements with new items that oblige the licensee to carry out security activities exclusively using the means of proceedings specified in the information submitted to the licensing authority in accordance with the requirements of the License Terms; determine the procedure for the actions of the licensee during the suspension of the license;
3) supplementing the License Terms with new applications, which setthe content and form of applications for re-registration and cancellation of the license, suspension and renewal of the license, the information attached to the application for obtaining a license.
Comments and proposals to the mentioned draft resolution and analysis of regulatory impact from individuals and legal entities, their associations are accepted within a month from the date of publication (05.06.2020) in writing to the postal address: ul. Bogomoltsya, 10, m. Kiev, 01601;
or in electronic form to the address: [email protected].
In accordance with the first part of Article 20 of the Law, comments and proposals on the published draft regulatory act and the corresponding analysis of regulatory impact are also provided to the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine:
postal: ul. Arsenalnaya, 9/11, m. Kiev, 01011;
e-mail: [email protected].