The draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the Strategy for Reforming the System of the State Service of Ukraine on Emergency Situations” (hereinafter — the draft act) was developed in accordance with the National Security Strategy of Ukraine, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated May 26, 2015. No. 287, Military Doctrine of Ukraine, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated September 24, 2015. No. 555, Concepts for the development of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated March 4, 2016. No. 92, Priority Action Plan of the Government for 2016, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 27, 2016 No. 418-r in order to optimize the system of the State Emergency Service and increase its capabilities to ensure, in cooperation with other components of the security and defense sector, the fulfillment of specified tasks to counter national threats Security of Ukraine in the field of civil protection.
The adoption of the draft act aims to define the directions of the reform of the SNS system and increase its capabilities to ensure, in cooperation with other components of the security and defense sector, the fulfillment of certain tasks to counter threats to the national security of Ukraine in the field of civil protection.
The implementation of this act will ensure a sufficient level of security of the population, the protection of territories, objects of the economy from threats of a natural and man-made nature, increasing the efficiency of the functioning of civil protection forces by:
transition from the system of state supervision (control) in the field of fire and man-made safety to a modern effective system of emergency prevention and fire prevention;
improvement of the procedure for the implementation of the main tasks (functions) in the sphere of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, fire and man-made safety by executive authorities of all levels;
creation of new and reform of existing fire and rescue units (fire units) of local and voluntary fire protection in amalgamated territorial communities;
optimization of the structure and number of the SNS at all levels, reorganization of the SNS forces, taking into account the volume of tasks assigned to them;
building up the material and technical base of civil protection forces and their technical re-equipment with modern equipment.
The draft regulatory act, explanatory note is published on the official website of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (www. dsns in the section: Citizens/Public consultations/Electronic public consultations.
In view of the above, we ask that comments and suggestions be submitted by December 30 and sent to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Department of Planning and Monitoring of Civil Protection Measures, Department of Civil Protection Planning and Coordination of Civil Protection Measures of the Department of Civil Action Organization (01030, m. Kyiv, str. O. Pottery, 55-a, tel. (044) 202-31-88; e-mail: ([email protected]).
Comments and proposals from individuals and legal entities, their associations are accepted until the entry into force of this document in printed or electronic form.
Director of the Department of Organization of Civil Protection Measures
M. Mayurov
“___” December 2016