In accordance with Articles 9, 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of State Regulatory Policy in the Field of Economic Activity” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), in order to receive comments and proposals from individuals and legal entities, their associations are published:
draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 7, 2010 No. 565 and December 16, 2015 No. 1122” (hereinafter referred to as the draft) and analysis of its regulatory impact.
The developer is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
The project is designed to implement the Plan of organization of preparation of draft acts necessary to ensure the implementation of the Law of Ukraine of November 3, 2016. № 1726-VIII “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Principles of State Supervision (Control) in the Sphere of Economic Activity” on the Liberalization of the System of State Supervision (Control) in the Field of Economic Activities”, approved at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 25.01.2017 (Protocol No. 6), in order to enshrine the legislation regulatory legal acts in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine regulating relations related to the implementation of state supervision (control) in the sphere of economic activity.
The draft provides for amendments to the criteria by which the degree of risk from the conduct of economic activities is assessed and the frequency of carrying out planned state supervision (control) measures by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is determined.
Comments and proposals to the mentioned draft and analysis of regulatory impact from individuals and legal entities, their associations are accepted within a month from the date of publication in writing to the postal address: ul. Bogomoltsya, 10, m. Kiev, 01601;
or in electronic form to the address: [email protected]
In accordance with the first part of Article 20 of the Law, comments and suggestions on the published draft regulatory act and the relevant analysis of regulatory impact are also provided to the addresses of the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine:
postal: ul. Arsenalnaya, 9/11, m. Kiev, 01011;