Notice on the publication of the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “On the procedure for registration and issuance of permits for the installation and use of special light signaling devices of auto yellow (orange) color on t

In order to streamline the installation and use of special light signaling devices of auto yellow (orange) color on vehicles of response entities of security activities, the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in agreement with the structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine has developed a draft order “On the procedure registration and issuance of permits for the installation and use of special light signaling devices of auto yellow (orange) color on vehicles of response subjects of security activities.”

This draft order defines the procedure for accounting and issuing permits for the installation and use of special light signaling devices of auto yellow (orange) color on response vehicles of security entities.

In addition, this draft order provides for the loss of force of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of March 26, 2014 No. 245 “On Approval of the Instruction on the Procedure for Issuing and Accounting Permits for the Installation and Use of Special Light Signal Devices of Auto Yellow (Orange) Color on Vehicles Responding to Security Entities”, register issued by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 10, 2014 under number 402/25179.

Comments and proposals to the specified draft act are accepted within a month from the date of publication in writing or in electronic form at the following addresses:

04071, m. Kyiv, str. Lukianivska, 62, Main service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, tel. 254-7114 (Golyshev Evgeny Yurievich), e-mail: [email protected].