Report on the results of public public discussion Report on the results of an analytical study on the prospects for improving the personnel policy and changing the conditions of pay of police officers in order to increase the competitiveness of the police service in the labor market

February 13, 2024

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in accordance with the Procedure for holding consultations with the public on the formation and implementation of public policy approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 03, 2010 No. 996, held on January 31, 2024 a presentation and public public discussion of the Report on the results of analytical research based on the results of analytical research study of prospects for improving the personnel policy and changing the conditions of remuneration of police officers in order to increase the competitiveness of the service in police in the labor market (hereinafter referred to as the Report).

Information on the proposals received during the public public discussion on the Report and the results of their consideration are given in the table:

No. of sales/nOffer InformationAuthor of the proposalOffer Consideration Information
! 1It is emphasized on the need to change the conditions of remuneration of police officers in order to increase the competitiveness of the police service in the labor market, namely to determine the size of official salaries of police officers depending on the size of the subsistence minimum established on January 1 of the calendar year.All-Ukrainian Trade Union of the National PoliceIt 
will be taken into account in the event of a decision to amend the current legislation aimed at improving the issue of money provision of police officers, namely the development of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”, which will clarify certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”, regarding changes in the terms of pay of police officers.
! 2It is emphasized that in case of amendments to the procedure of remuneration of police officers, the sources of coverage of expenses must comply with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” in terms of financial support of the police.All-Ukrainian Trade Union of the National PoliceIt is taken into account. 
In the case of a decision to amend the current legislation aimed at improving the issue of money provision of police officers, namely the development of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”, take into account the provisions of the first part of Article 105 of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”.

Based on the results of the public discussion of the Report, the conclusions and proposals set forth in the Report were resolved, as well as the proposals of public representatives to take note in the event of a decision to amend the current legislation aimed at improving the issue of money provision of police officers.

Deputy Director of the Department of Interaction with the National Police of Ukraine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine 

Oleksandr NAUMENKO