Report on the results of public public discussion Report on the results of analytical research, the subject of which is the effectiveness of the application of the norms of the Disciplinary Charter of the National Police from 2018 to February 2022

December 13, 2023

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in accordance with the Procedure for Public Consultations on the Formation and Implementation of State Policy, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 03, 2010 No. 996, held on November 30, 2023, a public public discussion of the Report on the Results of Analytical Research, the subject of which is the effectiveness of the application of the Discipline Rules Statute of the National Police from 2018 to February 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the Report), which was promulgated on 24 November 2023 on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Information on the proposals received during the public public discussion of the Report and on the results of their consideration is set out in the table:

No. of

Offer Information

Author of the proposal

Offer Consideration Information

! 1

The need to delimit the functions of disciplinary commissions, namely the formation of separate disciplinary commissions for conducting official investigations into the commission of disciplinary offenses by police officers related to violation of constitutional rights of citizens and disciplinary offenses related to violation of official discipline.


Centre for Political and Legal Reforms

Editorially taken into account.

During the development of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”, which will clarify certain provisions of the Laws of Ukraine “On the National Police”, “On the Disciplinary Charter of the National Police of Ukraine” provide for the creation of permanent disciplinary commissions for the consideration of disciplinary cases (at the central level police management body, territorial bodies of the National Police, institutions of higher education with specific conditions of study), related to possible violation by police of specifically defined rights and freedoms a person and a citizen, on the basis of an official investigation conducted by an authorized police unit, as well as leaving the existing procedure for conducting official investigations, consideration of materials on disciplinary misconduct for all other types of disciplinary offenses.

! 2

Resolve the issue of mandatory inclusion of representatives of the public in disciplinary commissions conducting official investigations for the consideration of disciplinary offenses of police officers related to violation of constitutional rights of citizens, which are resonant and those where the public may have distrust of the police in terms of bias in the conduct of civil service investigations.

Centre for Political and Legal Reforms

Editorially taken into account.
During the development of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”, which will clarify certain provisions of the Laws of Ukraine “On the National Police”, “On the Disciplinary Charter of the National Police of Ukraine” to resolve the issue of expanding the grounds for attracting public representatives to the service investigations, specifying cases involving the obligation of such involvement (receipt of complaints about violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens), the possibility of involvement representatives of the territorial community in case of complaints about violations of the rights of residents of this community.

According to the results of the public discussion of the Report, it was decided to take into account the comments and suggestions of public representatives during the development of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”, which will clarify certain provisions of the Laws of Ukraine “On the National Police”, “On the Disciplinary Charter of the National Police of Ukraine”” on improving the activities of permanent disciplinary commissions.

Director of the Department of Interaction with the National Police of Ukraine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine