Information notice on the presentation and public public discussion of the report based on the results of analytical research, the subject of which is the organization of the work of the permanent police commissions for the entire period of their existence (until February 2022)

September 22, 2023

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announces the presentation and public discussion of the report based on the results of the analytical study, the subject of which is the organization of the work of the permanent police commissions for the entire period of their existence (until February 2022), which was published on September 22, 2023 on the official web portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine:

Report on the results of analytical research, the subject of which is the organization of the work of permanent police commissions for the entire period of their existence (until February 2022) [DOWNLOAD]

The analytical study, the subject of which is the organization of the work of the permanent police commissions for the entire period of their existence (until February 2022) (hereinafter referred to as the Analytical Research), was carried out in accordance with paragraph 9 (Measure State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023—2025) of the measures for the implementation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2021—2025 and the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023—2025 defined by Appendix 4 to the Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2023—2025, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated February 28, 2023 year No. 136 (with amendments approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated April 12, 2023 No. 307).

Social groups of the population and stakeholders covered by the Analytical Study: Ukrainian citizens who have expressed a desire to join the police service; active police officers.

Possible consequences of the application of the results of the Analytical Research for different social groups of the population and interested parties: increasing the efficiency of activities and optimization of the work of the permanent police commissions formed in the National Police system.

The presentation and public discussion of the report based on the results of the Analytical Research will be held on September 29, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in the form of a video conference using the Zoom platform.

Discussion procedure: the duration of the speech is up to 5 minutes.

To participate in the discussion, you must register by September 28, 2023 by sending the completed form to the e-mail address: [email protected]:

Registration form
for participation in the presentation and public public discussion of the report on
the results of analytical research, the subject of which is the organization of the work of permanent police commissions for the entire period of their existence (until February 2022)

Surname, first name, patronymic  
Contact information (phone number; email address)  
Representative of which civil society institutions, media or authorities, organizations, etc. are you  
Information on experience in the activities of police commissions  
Written comments and/or proposals for the report on the results of the Analytical Research and their subsequent application  
Intention to speak during the discussion  

Information to connect to the video conference (link, conference ID and access code) will be sent to all registered participants additionally.

Consultations on the report issued for public discussion on the results of the Analytical Research are available by phone number: (044) 254 78 52. Responsible person: Dergay Victor.

The report on the results of the public public discussion of the report on the results of the Analytical Study will be published in the subsection “Public public discussions” of the “Public consultations” section of the official web portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine within two weeks after the decision on the results of the discussion.

Report on the results of public expert discussion The report on the results of analytical research, the subject of which is the organization of the work of the permanent police commissions for the entire period of their existence (until February 2022) was published on October 13, 2023.