Draft Concepts of State Policies on Achieving the Goals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Determined by the Program of Activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

03 February 2020

Draft Concept of Public Policy for Achieving Objective 13.1. “Every Ukrainian feels protected from physical threats” Programme of activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and DRAFT plan for implementation of the policy concept

Draft Concept of State Policy on Achieving Goal 13.2 “A person in distress (an emergency or other life situation that threatens his life or health) will receive assistance even in the most remote corners of the country” Activity Programs of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and DRAFT Plan for the Implementation of the Policy Concept

Draft Concept of State Policy on Achieving Goal 13.3 “Ukrainians and Their Property Protected from Fires and Accidents” Programme of Activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and DRAFT Plan for Implementation of the Policy Concept

Draft Concept of State Policy on Achieving Goal 13.4 “Ukrainians Protected from Organized Crime and Mass Riots” Program of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and DRAFT Plan for Implementation of the Policy Concept

Project Concept of State Policy on Achieving Goal 13.5 “Ukrainians are protected by a reliable border and satisfied with service when crossing it” Activity Programs of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and DRAFT Plan for Implementation of the Policy Concept