Report on the results of public public discussion of the draft Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2019

In accordance with the Procedure for Conducting Public Consultations on the Formation and Implementation of Public Policy, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 3, 2010 No. 996, and on the implementation of the Indicative Plan for Public Consultations in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2019, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of December 27 In 2018 No. 1068, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine held consultations with the public in the form of a public public discussion of the draft Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2019 (hereinafter — Project Program).

Information notice on the start of the public public discussion was posted on January 16, 2019 in the section “Public consultations” of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

On January 30, 2019, at the meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in addition, within the framework of a public public discussion, the issue of the draft Program was considered.

Since public public discussion involves the organization and holding of public events, in particular, round table meetings, such an event took place on February 05, 2019. Representatives of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Government-Public Initiative “Together against Corruption”, the All-Ukrainian NGO “Public Committee of Transport Safety” and structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took part in the round table meeting. Information about the proposals received during the public public discussion and their results Consideration is given in the table.

No. of sales/n Offer Information Author of the proposal Offer Consideration Information Information about the solution


Amend the draft paragraph of the Program on subjects of independent public control of the Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, by including non-governmental organizations as entities that can exercise independent public control

Government-Public Initiative “Together Against Corruption” Partially taken into account Public control of the Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out by public organizations through the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. International institutions and representatives of civil society may also be involved in monitoring


Amend measure 1, Task 1, Section 5 of Annex 2 to the draft Programme on sources of financing, by adding the words “international technical assistance funds”

Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs Taken into account

Within the limits of the expenditure foreseen

in the state budget for the maintenance of relevant state bodies, funds of international technical assistance

According to the results of the public discussion, the draft Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2019 was considered at the meeting of the commission for assessing corruption risks and monitoring the implementation of the anti-corruption program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on February 14, 2019, which, taking into account the results of the public public discussion, proposals of structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine The Ministry of Internal Affairs was approved with subsequent submission in the prescribed manner for consideration by the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Department of Corruption Prevention and Lustration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs