Information notice on conducting electronic consultations with the public on the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On amendments to paragraph 15 of the Procedure for state registration (re-registration), deregistration of cars, buses, as well as self-propelled vehicles designed on the chassis of cars,...”

April 10, 2024

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine conducts electronic consultations with the public on the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to Clause 15 of the Procedure for State Registration (Re-registration), Deregistration of cars, buses, as well as self-propelled vehicles designed on the chassis of cars, motorcycles of all types of vehicles, brands and models, trailers, semitrailers, motorcycles, other vehicles and mopeds equivalent to them” (hereinafter — the draft resolution), published on April 10, 2024 in the subheading “Projects regulations” heading “Normative base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” of the official web portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Social groups of the population and stakeholders to whom the implementation of the draft resolution will apply:

  • individuals or legal entities who applied for state registration (re-registration), deregistration of vehicles (in particular, in connection with the rejection (write-off) of the vehicle as a whole);
  • territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Possible consequences of the implementation of the draft resolution for these social groups of the population and stakeholders:

  • information about the subjects of the appeal will be necessarily checked against the State Register of Sanctions;
  • in the case of establishing the fact of applying sanctions to individuals or legal entities who applied for state registration (re-registration), deregistration of vehicles (in particular, in connection with the rejection (write-off) of the vehicle as a whole), the authorized person of the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must refuse the subject of the application committing such actions, if the commission of such actions will lead to a violation of the restrictions (prohibitions) established by the sanction of the relevant type.

Proposals and comments on the draft resolution shall be accepted within 15 calendar days from the date of publication in writing to the e-mail address: [email protected].

Consultations on the draft resolution are available by phone number (044) 374 10 51. The person responsible for conducting electronic consultations with the public is Natalia Furman.

The report on the results of electronic consultations with the public on the draft resolution will be published in the subsection “Electronic consultations with the public” of the “Public consultations” section of the official web portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine within two weeks after the decision was made based on the results of the discussion.


The report on the results of electronic consultations with the public on the draft resolution was published on 26 April 2026.