Report on the results of electronic consultations with the public on the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Procedure for Registration, Issuance and Registration of Permits for the Installation and Use of Special Sound and Light Signal Devices of Blue Color on Vehicles”

November 23, 2023

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in accordance with the Procedure for Public Consultations on the Formation and Implementation of State Policy, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 03, 2010 No. 996, conducted electronic consultations with the public on the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Procedure Registration, issuance and registration of permits for the installation and use of special sound and light signaling devices of blue color on vehicles” (hereinafter - the draft order), which was published on October 19, 2023 in the subsection “Draft regulations” of the “Normative base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” section of the official web portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Information on proposals received during electronic consultations with the public on the draft order and on the results of their consideration is given in the table:

No. of sales/n

Offer information/comments

Author of the proposal

Offer Consideration Information

! 1

We ask that the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Procedure for Registration, Issuance and Accounting of Permits for the Installation and Use of Special Sound and Light Signal Devices of Blue Color on Vehicles” be supplemented with the following words: “EMERGENCY SERVICES OF ELEVATORS, ELEVATOR RESCUE SERVICES”.

All-Ukrainian advertising and information magazine “Elevator Panorama”

Not taken into account.

The draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was developed in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 22, 2017 No. 176 “Issues of the use of special sound and light signaling devices on vehicles”, which defines the list of entities on whose vehicles can be installed special sound and light signaling devices of blue color. Elevator emergency services and elevator rescue services are not provided on this list.

Thus, supplementing the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the proposed norm will contradict the provisions of the normative act of higher legal force and will not comply with the rules of the normative design technique, in connection with which the proposal cannot be taken into account.

As a result of electronic consultations with the public on the draft order, it was decided to reject the comments and suggestions sent by representatives of the public.

First Deputy Head of the
Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Oleksandr KARABYTS