Information notice on conducting electronic consultations with the public on the project “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (on the Implementation of Legislation and Determination of the List of Administrative Services Provided by the Territorial Body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine)”

August 31, 2020

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine conducts electronic consultations with the public on the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (on the Implementation of Legislation and Determination of the List of Administrative Services Provided by the Territorial Body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine)” (hereinafter - the draft law), which was published 31 August 2020 in the subheading “Draft regulations” of the heading “Normative base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: here.

Social groups of the population to which the implementation of the bill will apply: owners and future owners of driver's licenses, tractor-driver's licenses; owners and future owners of vehicles and agricultural machinery, subjects of application for administrative services provided by territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Stakeholders to whom the implementation of the bill will apply: the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police of Ukraine.

Possible consequences of the implementation of the bill for these social groups of the population and interested parties are:

  • harmonization of categories of vehicles;
  • introduction, in the interests of safety on the road, gradual access to the relevant categories of vehicles;
  • Normalization of the minimum and maximum age for the admission of persons to drive certain categories of vehicles;
  • establishment of new periods of validity of driver's licenses for different categories of vehicles with the subsequent possibility of extending their validity;
  • increasing the level of protection of the driver's license against counterfeiting by introducing it as an integral part of the microchip;
  • determination of an exhaustive list of administrative services provided by territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as establishing the amount of cost for their provision and terms;
  • registration of tractors, self-propelled chassis, self-propelled agricultural, road construction and reclamation machines, other equipment and issuance of certificates of tractor-machinist by territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • creating an appropriate regulatory framework for the implementation of Directive 2006/126/EC and ensuring that national legislation approximates those of the European Union.

Proposals and comments on the draft law are accepted within one month from the date of publication in writing at the e-mail address: [email protected].

Consultations on the bill are available by phone number: (044) 374-10-65. The person responsible for conducting electronic consultations with the public is Lyubchyk Evgenia Petrovna.

The report on the results of electronic consultations with the public on the draft law will be published in the subsection “Electronic consultations with the public” of the “Public consultations” section of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine no later than two weeks after the adoption of decisions based on the results of the discussion.