Information about the members of the Public Council

Varenichev Volodymyr Mykolaiovych

Chairman of the Odessa Regional Organization of the Professional Union of Certified Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies of Ukraine


Demchyna Andrii Volodymyrovych

member of the NGO “All-Ukrainian Bureau of Lustration and Anti-Corruption”


Yerzhov Oleg Viktorovych

President of the NGO “All-Ukrainian Association of Road Safety Specialists”


Koval Oleg Oleksandrovych

member of the NGO “Federation of Pankration and Applied Hand-to-Hand Combat Systems”


Kozka Iryna Mykolaivna

member of the Public Formation for the Protection of Public Order and the State Border “Corpus Priazovye”


Komirchyi Pavlo Oleksiiovych

Honorary Chairman of the Center of the NGO “All-Ukrainian Center for Combating Corruption and Assistance to Law Enforcement Agencies “Anti-Corruption Initiative”


Kukharchuk Ihor Ivanovych

Advisor to the President of the Public Union “World Congress of Ukrainian Lawyers”


Momot Mykola Fedorovych

Chairman of the board of the local branch of the NGO “Association of Veterans of the State Traffic Safety Service of Ukraine”


Nazarenko Oleg Yuriiovych

General Director of the All-Ukrainian Association of Automobile Importers and Dealers


Pohrebniak Oleksandr Anatoliiovych

Member of the Board of the All-Ukrainian NGO “Coordination Center of Public Security of Ukraine”


Saienko Volodymyr Volodymyrovych

Chairman of the NGO “Protection of Victims from the Deposit Guarantee Fund”


Semydidko Andrii Andriiovych

Executive Director of the NGO “Anti-raider Union of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine”


Skrynskyi Oleksandr Vasylovych

Member of the Presidium of the Kyiv City Branch of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Ukrainian Union of Persons with Disabilities — USI”


Sobol Lyudmila Viktorivna

Head of the Department of Work with Regions of the Public Organization “All-Ukrainian Association of Automobile Carriers”



Fedorko Yuliia Leonidovna

Director of the Charitable Foundation “Ribbon of Hope”