Minutes № 2/2019 of the meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


9/19/2019 m. Kyiv, str. Akademika Bogomolets, 10

Total members of the Public Council: 20 people. Present members of the Public Council
: 15 people. Invited: from the Ministry of Internal Affairs — Bulayev V.
P., Bilan S. V.
Time of commencement of the meeting: 14:00.
Since all members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine are present at the meeting, the meeting is valid.



Skrynskyi O. V., Secretary of the Public Council, with information about the existence of the quorum and the proposal to open the meeting.

Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Martynenko V. O. opened the meeting. Put to the vote to approve the agenda of the meeting:

1. Consideration of the Regulation “On the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”.

2. Miscellaneous.



“For” — 15.

“Against” — 0.

“Abstained” — 0.



To approve the agenda of the meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine:

1. Consideration of the Regulation “On the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”.

2. Miscellaneous.





Martynenka V. O. with the information that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 03, 2010 No. 996 (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 353 of April 24, 2019), submitted a draft regulation to the Public Council for consideration. Martynenko V. O. proposed to discuss the project and submit it after consideration for approval by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.



Skrynskyi O. V., Komirchyi P. O., Yerzhov O. V., Koval O. O., Loza V.V., Saienko V. V., Kukharchuk I. AND.

Put to the vote: Draft Regulation “On the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine” with the comments and proposals made by the Public Council to send to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for its approval.



“For” — 14.

“Against” — 0.

“Withheld” — 1.



The draft Regulation on the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with the comments and proposals made by the Public Council should be sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for its approval.




Martynenka V. O. regarding the appeal of the GSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine regarding the implementation of public monitoring of the activities of service centers of the new model.

Put to the vote:

1. To create a working group on the development of a mechanism for conducting public monitoring of the activities of service centers of a new model, consisting of: Martynenko V. O., Yerzhov O. V., Kukharchuk I. I., Nazarenko O. Yu., Skrynskyi O. IN. ;

2. The working group, together with the GSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, will develop a mechanism for conducting public monitoring involving representatives of civil society institutes in the regions.



“For” — 15.

“Against” — 0.

“Abstained” — 0.



1. To create a working group on the development of a mechanism for conducting public monitoring of the activities of service centers of a new model, consisting of: Martynenko V. O., Yerzhov O. V., Kukharchuk I. I., Nazarenko O. Yu., Skrynskyi O. IN.

2. The working group, together with the GSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, will develop a mechanism for conducting public monitoring involving representatives andInstitutions of civil society in the regions.



Martynenka V. O. with a proposal, in accordance with p. 5 Standard Provisions on the Public Council under the Ministry, another central executive body, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city, district, district, etc. Kyiv and Sevastopol state administration to initiate scientific and practical events.

Put to the vote:

1. Contact specialized educational institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with the initiative of conducting:

- 17.10.2019 on the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs scientific-practical conference “Peculiarities of application of anti-corruption legislation: from investigation to court verdict”;

- 08.11.2019 on the basis of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs within the framework of the scientific-practical conference “Theory and practice of combating crime in modern conditions” panel “Peculiarities of application of anti-corruption legislation: detection of offenses”;

- 15.11.2019 on the basis of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs scientific-practical conference “Discussion issues of application of anti-corruption legislation”;

2. Take part in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Implementation of State Anti-Corruption Policy in the International Dimension”, which will be held on 12.12.2019 at the National Academy of Internal Affairs.



“For” — 15.

“Against” — 0.

“Abstained” — 0.



1. Contact specialized educational institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with the initiative of conducting:

- 17.10.2019 on the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs scientific-practical conference “Peculiarities of application of anti-corruption legislation: from investigation to court verdict”;

- 08.11.2019 on the basis of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs within the framework of the scientific-practical conference “Theory and practice of combating crime in modern conditions” panel “Peculiarities of application of anti-corruption legislation: detection of offenses”;

- 15.11.2019 on the basis of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs scientific-practical conference “Discussion issues of application of anti-corruption legislation”;

2. Take part in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Implementation of State Anti-Corruption Policy in the International Dimension”, which will be held on 12.12.2019 at the National Academy of Internal Affairs.



Martynenka V. O. on the need to prepare a draft work plan of the Public Council by the end of 2019 and for 2020.

Put to the vote:

1. Members of the Public Council shall submit proposals to the Secretary of the Public Council for the work plan of the Public Council until the end of 2019 and for 2020 to the Secretary of the Public Council.

2. Discussion of draft work plans will be held at the next meeting of the Public Council.

3. To contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs for information on the draft budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2020.



“For” — 15.

“Against” — 0.

“Abstained” — 0.



1. Members of the Public Council shall submit proposals to the Secretary of the Public Council for the work plan of the Public Council until the end of 2019 and for 2020 to the Secretary of the Public Council.

2. Discussion of draft work plans will be held at the next meeting of the Public Council.

3. To contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs for information on the draft budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2020.


Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine V. O. Martynenko
Secretary O. IN. Skrynskyi