Report on tracking the effectiveness of the Procedure for reimbursement of costs and losses associated with the use of NGU transport and floating means of natural or legal entities


on tracking the effectiveness of the regulatory act


1. Type and name of the regulatory act

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 19, 2015 No. 611 “On Approval of the Procedure for Compensation of Costs and Damages Associated with the Use by the Soldiers of the National Guard of Vehicles and Floating Vehicles of Individuals or Legal Entities”.


2. Name of the performer of the tracking activities

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.


3. Objectives of the adoption of the act

The regulatory act is developed in compliance with paragraph 10 of the first part of Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Guard of Ukraine”.

The purpose of the adoption of the regulatory act is the need for a regulatory and legal settlement of the issue of compensation for costs and losses associated with the use by the troops of the National Guard of Ukraine of transport and floating means of natural or legal persons for the termination of a crime, travel to the scene of an accident, natural disaster, accompanying persons to medical institutions in need of urgent medical assistance, for the pursuit of offenders and their accompaniment or convoying to the territorial bodies of the National Police during their execution of their official duties.


4th. Timeframe for the implementation of tracking activities

From June 05, 2017 to July 03, 2017.


5. Tracking Type



6. Methods for obtaining tracking results

To obtain the results of tracking the effectiveness of the regulatory act, a statistical method was used by analyzing the practice of applying the norms of the regulatory act.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not receive appeals, statements, complaints and proposals from business entities subject to the regulatory act, due to the absence of cases of enforcement of the norms of the regulatory act.


7. Data and assumptions on the basis of which the performance was tracked, as well as the methods of obtaining the data

The effectiveness of the regulatory act was tracked on the basis of data on cases of enforcement of the norms of the regulatory act, as well as appeals of business entities subject to the regulatory act.

Business entities subject to the regulatory act did not apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to the absence of cases of enforcement of the norms of the regulatory act.

Expenditures from the State Budget of Ukraine for reimbursement of expenses and losses provided for by the norms of the regulatory act to the entities subject to its action were not made due to the absence of cases of enforcement of the norms of the regulatory act.


8. Quantitative and qualitative values of the performance indicators of the act

The norms of the regulatory act apply to business entities, namely individuals or legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership, who are owners of transport and floating vehicles or persons authorized by them.

The level of awareness of business entities covered by the regulatory act is 100%. The draft regulatory act was agreed with the interested central executive authorities and published on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the section “Normative base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”.

In case of legal application of the rules of the regulatory act, expenditures from the State Budget of Ukraine to reimburse business entities for expenses and losses will continue to be made on the basis of the documents provided by these entities within the time established by the norms of the regulatory act and within the limits of the funds provided for the maintenance of the National Guard of Ukraine for the relevant year.


9. Evaluation of the results of the implementation of the regulatory act and the degree of achievement of the specified goals

During the evaluation of the results of the implementation of the regulatory act, no comments and proposals from the entities covered by its action were received.


Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine A.B. Avakov


July 31, 2017