Report on the basic performance tracking of the Order No. 255/369/132/344 “On Approval of Requirements for Institutions Carrying Out Training, Retraining and Retraining of Vehicle Drivers”


Basic Performance Tracking Report

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine of April 05, 2016
No. 255/369/132/344 “On approval of requirements for institutions that carry out training, retraining and professional development of drivers of vehicles, and qualification requirements for specialists Those who make such preparations.”

  1. Type and name of the regulatory act

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine of April 05, 2016 No. 255/369/132/344 “On approval of requirements for institutions that carry out training, retraining and professional development of drivers of vehicles, and qualification requirements for specialists Those who make such preparations.”

  1. Name of the Tracker

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

  1. Objectives of the adoption of the act

The regulatory act was developed in accordance with Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine “On Road Traffic”, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 20, 2009 No. 487 “On Approval of the Procedure for Training, Retraining and Upgrading of Vehicle Drivers”, dated May 20,
2009 No. 490 “On Approval of the Procedure for State Accreditation of Institutions carry out training, retraining and further training of drivers of vehicles, and certification of their specialists” and from March 02, 2010 No. 229 “On
approval of the Standard Training programs for the training and retraining of vehicle drivers”.

The goals of the regulatory act are to bring the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs into line with the legislation and create the appropriate conditions for high-quality training, retraining and professional development of drivers of vehicles.

  1. Timeframe for the implementation of tracking measures

The analysis of the regulatory impact before the act envisaged carrying out measures for basic tracking of the performance of the act before the entry into force of this act by analyzing statistical data.

According to Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of State Regulatory Policy in the Field of Economic Activity”, if only statistical data are used to determine the values of performance indicators of a regulatory act, basic performance tracking can be carried out after the entry into force of this regulatory act or the entry into force of most of its provisions.

Only statistical data were used to track the performance of the act, so basic performance tracking was carried out after the entry into force of this regulatory act from June 19, 2017 to July 18, 2017.

  1. Tracking Type

Basic tracking of the performance of the act.

  1. Methods for obtaining tracking results

Tracking the effectiveness of the regulatory act is carried out by analyzing information on the number of issued certificates of state accreditation of an institution that trains, retrains and advanced training of drivers of vehicles and certified specialists who carry out such training.

7. Data and assumptions based on which performance was tracked, as well as ways of obtaining data

The results of tracking this regulatory act were obtained on the basis of the analysis of data obtained from the Unified State Register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the number of issued certificates of state accreditation of institutions that train, retrain and upskill drivers of vehicles and certified specialists who carry out such training.

  1. Quantitative and qualitative values of indicators of the effectiveness of the act

The implementation of the act did not require the allocation of additional funds to ensure the proposed regulation.

The publication and implementation of the regulatory act did not entail additional costs from the State Budget of Ukraine.

The action of the regulatory act applies to all business entities that train, retrain and improve the qualification of drivers of vehicles.

The action of the act did not lead to an increase in the cost of works or an increase in the duration of their execution for business entities associated with the fulfillment of the requirements of the act.

The level of awareness of business entities and/or individuals on the main provisions of the regulatory act is high and was ensured by placing an order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Ensuring proper conditions for the training, retraining and further training of drivers of vehicles before the entry into force of the act was not possible due to the inconsistency of the normative legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the current legislation.

From the date of entry into force of this regulatory act according to the results of data analysis in the period from May 27, 2016 to July 18, 2017:

accredited educational institutions with subsequent issuance of certificates of state accreditation of an institution that carries out training, retraining and further training of drivers of vehicles — 855;

certified specialists who carry out training and retraining of drivers of vehicles — 1468 people.


9. Evaluation of the implementation of the regulatory act and the degree of achievement of the specified goals

Based on the results of the basic monitoring of the effectiveness of this regulatory act, it can be concluded that its implementation contributes to the proper settlement of the issue of bringing the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs into compliance with the legislation and provides adequate conditions for the training, retraining and professional development of drivers of vehicles.



Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine A. B. Avakov