The main organizational, administrative and regulatory acts relating to the activities of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the period from August 21 to August 28, 2020

In accordance with paragraph 13 of the Plan approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 10.10.2019 No. 854 “On the organization of implementation of the plan of measures for the implementation of the Strategy for the development of the organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the period up to 2020”, it is envisaged to introduce a weekly mailing of digests with information on the issued organizational, administrative and regulatory acts on the implementation of tasks bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, the main news related to the activities of these bodies.

In the period from August 21 to August 27, 2020, the Ministry's apparatus issued the following basic organizational, administrative and regulatory legal acts relating to the activities of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system:

  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 21.08.2020 No. 618 “On the introduction of a separate registration point No. 031 of a qualified provider of electronic trust services - an accredited key certification center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine into permanent (industrial) operation”. The order separates the registration point No. 031 of a qualified provider of electronic trust services — an accredited key certification center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, located at: ul. Lukyanovskaya, building 62, room No. 407/9, m. Kiev, 04071;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 21.08.2020 No. 619 “On the organization of the use of qualified electronic seals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”. The order defines the authorized officials responsible in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the application of the CAP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with the list;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 21.08.2020 No. 620 “On approval of the Regulation on the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”. The order approved the Regulation on the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 06.06.2019 No. 460 is recognized as invalid;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 21.08.2020 No. 622 “On the formation of a working group”. The order established a working group on the distribution of a pilot project for the introduction of the integrated information and reference system “Custody records” to the territorial units of NPU, DPSU, DMSU and NGU, its composition was approved;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of August 21, 2020 No. 624 “On the formation of a commission on the transfer of objects of state property rights”. The order established a commission on the transfer of property from the sphere of management of the NPU to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the balance sheet of the Central Polyclinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Its composition is approved;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 25.08.2020 No. 626 “On Amendments to the Composition of the Network of Contact Persons in the Field of Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”. The order made changes to the Composition of the Network of Contact Persons in the sphere of Euro-Atlantic integration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated August 25, 2020 No. 627 “On the establishment of the Network of Contact Persons on European Integration”. The order established in the Ministry of Internal Affairs an advisory and advisory body — the Network of Contact Persons on European Integration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, approved its composition;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 27.08.2020 № 630 “On approval of the Regulation on the Department for the Prevention of Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”. The order approved the Regulation on the Department for the Prevention of Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of March 25, 2020 No. 297 is recognized as invalid.