The main organizational, administrative and regulatory acts relating to the activities of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the period from July 03 to July 09, 2020

In accordance with paragraph 13 of the Plan approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 10.10.2019 No. 854 “On the organization of implementation of the plan of measures for the implementation of the Strategy for the development of the organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the period up to 2020”, it is envisaged to introduce a weekly mailing of digests with information on the issued organizational, administrative and regulatory acts on the implementation of tasks bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, the main news related to the activities of these bodies.

In the period from July 03 to July 09, 2020, the Ministry's apparatus issued the following basic organizational, administrative and regulatory legal acts relating to the activities of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system:

  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated 09.07.2020 No. 515 “On the organization of the implementation of the plan of measures for the implementation of the second stage of the National Strategy for Reforming the System of Institutional Care and Education of Children for 2017-2026”. The order provides for the submission of an annual report by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine to the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine on the state of implementation of the measures of the plan approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 01.06.2020 No. 703-r, which are within the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and NPU;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated 09.07.2020 № 516 “On the formation of competitive commissions for the purchase of housing for servicemen of the State Border Service of Ukraine”. By order of the State Traffic Safety Administration of Ukraine, the Western and Southern Regional Departments of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, the composition of competitive commissions for the purchase of housing for servicemen was formed and approved. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 09.11.2018 No. 905 is recognized as invalid;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 09.07.2020 No. 520 “On the formation of a commission on the transfer of objects of state ownership”. The order established a commission on the transfer of state property from the sphere of management of the National Police of Ukraine to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, its composition was approved.