Order of 27.07.2021 № 564 On leaving applications for obtaining licenses for the conduct of security activities without consideration



27.07.2021 Kyiv № 564

On leaving applications for obtaining licenses for the conduct of security activities without consideration

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine applied for licenses to conduct security activities by the limited liability companies “SECURITY COMPANY THORGEN”, “SECURITY COMPANY VELES” and “GLOT-SOUTH” (hereinafter — license applicants).

According to the results of the consideration of applications, it was established that there are grounds for leaving them without consideration, namely the submission of applications that do not correspond to the form established by Appendix 1 to the License Conditions for the Conduct of Security Activities, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 18, 2015 No. 960 (hereinafter referred to as the License Terms), as well as the filing of non-compliance with the full amount of documents attached to the application for licenses.

Thus, license applicants did not provide information about the availability of places for conducting business activities for low-mobility groups of the population (Appendix 4 to the License Conditions). In addition, LLC “GLOT-SOUTH” provided the original of the employment contract of a person who is entrusted with the duty of a specialist in organizing security measures.

It is possible to eliminate these shortcomings by submitting applications in the form established by the License Conditions (Appendix 1), information on the availability of places of economic activity for low-mobility groups of the population (Appendix 4) and a copy of the employment contract certified by the business entity.

In view of the foregoing and in accordance with paragraph 1, paragraph 2 of the third paragraph of part 2 of Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities”


1. Leave without consideration:

application dated July 22, 2021 No. 65020 for obtaining a license for the conduct of security activities of the LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY COMPANY THORGEN”
(location: Gagarina Avenue, house 153, Dnipro city, 49000, identification code 44249667);

application dated July 22, 2021 No. 65026 for obtaining a license for the conduct of security activities of the COMPANY WITH LIMITED LIABILITY “SECURITY COMPANY VELES”
(location: Aviatsinaya Street, house 27, Dnipro city, 49000, identification code 44366134);

application dated July 22, 2021 No. 65040 for obtaining a license for the conduct of security activities of the LLC “GLOT-SOUTH” (location: Princess Olga Street, house 5 b, apartment 17, Lviv city, 79026, identification code 44315865).

2. The Department of Communications (Shevchenko A.) to ensure the posting of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the publication of the working day following the decision on the day.3

3. The Licensing Office (Chernyshova O.) ensure control over the execution of this order.

Deputy Minister Serhiy HONCHAROV