Order of 26.10.2020 №760 On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities



26.10.2020 Kyiv № 760

On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities

In accordance with Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities” (hereinafter — the Law), a one-time fee in the amount of one subsistence minimum is charged for issuing a license, based on the size of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons, which is valid on the day of the decision to issue a license. The fee for issuing a license is made by the licensee no later than ten working days from the date of making a record of the decision to issue a license in the license register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The document confirming the payment of the fee for issuing a license is a copy of the receipt issued by the bank, a copy of the payment order with the bank's mark, a receipt from the payment terminal, a receipt (check) from the post office of communication. Non-payment of the fee for issuing a license in accordance with paragraph 3 of part two of Article 16 of the Law is the basis for deciding to suspend the license in whole or in part.

In view of the foregoing and in accordance with Article 6 of the Law and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 05, 2015 No. 609 “On Approval of the List of Licensing Bodies and Recognition as Invalid Certain Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”


1. Issue a license for the conduct of security activities:

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “MARS PROTECTION SYSTEM” (identification code 43836616; location: Pchilky Olena Street, building 2-B, apartment 501, Kyiv city, 02059; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in Darnytskyi raion/Darnytskyi district n/22011800, recipient code 38021179, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA978999980334119896070026003, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “LEOPARD SECURITY COMPANY” (identification code 43846404; location: Vasylkivska street, building 37, Kyiv city, 03022; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of UC in Holosiivskyi raion/Golosiivskyi district/22011800, recipient code 38039757, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA738999980334149896070026002, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “NAUTILUS SECURITY GROUP” (identification code 43870059; location: Holosiivska Street, building 17, office 601, Kyiv city, 03039; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in the Holosiivskyi district/Holosiivskyi district/22011800, recipient code 38039757, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA738999980334149896070026002, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY COMPANY KARAKAL” (identification code 43846844; location: Pochainynska street, building 25/49, Kyiv city, 04071; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of UC in Podolsky district/Podolsky district/220122012 1800, recipient code 37975298, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA718999980334169896070026008, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “CAPITAL MUNICIPAL GUARD” (identification code 43820480; location: Zapadynska street, building 5, Kyiv city, 04123; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Podolsky district/Podolsky district/22011800, recipient code 3791800 75298, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA718999980334169896070026008, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY COMPANY KARAKURT” (identification code 43846631; location: Malinovskogo Marshal Street, house 9, Kyiv city, 04212; settlement details for payment of license issuance fee: recipient of UC in Obolonsky district/Obolonsky district/22011800, recipient code 38002491, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA968999980334129896070026006, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “UNIVERSAL PRIVATE SECURITY” (identification code 43810116; location: Nekrasova Street, building 25, Vinnytsia city, 21000; settlement details for payment of license fee: UC recipient in Vinnytsia/City of Vinnytsia/22011800, recipient code 38054707, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA568999980334199896070002856, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “VIP — SECURITY — SB” (identification code 43792286; location: Kyivska street, building 78, Vinnytsia city, 21032; settlement details for paying for license issuance: recipient of UC in Vinnytsia/City of Vinnytsia/22011800, recipient code 38054707, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA568999980334199896070002856, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “CROSSBOW GUARD” (identification code 43782545; location: Gagarina Avenue, house 141, Dnipro city, 49000; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in the Cathedral district of the city of Dnepra/Soborny district/22011800, recipient code 37989269, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA788999980334139896070004005, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY ENTERPRISE CROSS'S” (identification code 43837122; location: Akinfieva Ivana street, building 30 A, apartment 50, Dnipro city, 49027; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in the Cathedral district of the city Dnipro/Soborny district/22011800, recipient code 37989269, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA788999980334139896070004005, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY COMPANY KAFRINS” (identification code 43869751; location: Kozhemyaki Street, house 11, Dnipro city, 49000; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Amur-Nizhnedneprovsky district of Dnipro/Amur-Nizhnedneprovskyi raion/22011800, recipient code 37989300, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA308999980334199896070004003, budget income classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “GUARD — KHORTYTSIA” (identification code 43807962; location: Pokrovska street, building 23-A, Zaporizhzhia city, 69063; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of UC in Oleksandrivsky district of Zaporizhzhia/Oleksandrivsky district/22011800, recipient code 38025440, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA258999980334179896070008003, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “VERITAS POLTAVA” (identification code 43797263; location: Biryuzova Marshala Street, 80, apartment 117, Poltava city, 36007; settlement details for payment of license: UC recipient in Poltavi/City of Poltava Ltava/22011800, recipient code 38019510, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA088999980334159896070016002, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “TRIDENT SECURITY” (identification code 43842736; location: Chemikiv Avenue, building 4, Cherkasy city, 18000; settlement details for payment of license fee: UC recipient in Cherkasah/Cherkasy city/22011800, recipient code 38031150, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA958999980334139896070023002, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

NATURAL PERSON — ENTREPRENEUR SEMERNI OLEKSANDRA ROMANOVYCH (place of residence: Ivan Sirka Street, house 37, apartment 151, Sumy city, 40034; registration number of the taxpayer's account card and other mandatory payments 2123120315; settlement details for payment of the fee for issuing a license: recipient of Sumy City atg/22011800, recipient code 37970593, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA448999980334169896070018540, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

NATURAL PERSON — ENTREPRENEUR SHEPTUS MAKSIM MYKOLAIOVYCH (place of residence: Zelena street, house 8, apartment 12, village Nerubaiske, Belyaevsky district, Odessa region, 67092; registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and other mandatory payments 2963207418; settlement details for payment of the payment for the issuance license: recipient of UC in Biliaiv district/Biliaiv district/22011800, recipient code 37913781, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA778999980334119896070015111, budget income classification code 22011800);

NATURAL PERSON — ENTREPRENEUR MALASHENKO ELENI ANDRIYIVNA (place of residence: Novyi Svit Street, building 4, apartment 19, Ternopil city, 46003; registration number of the taxpayer's account card and other mandatory payments 2578902563; settlement details for payment of the fee for issuing a license: recipient of the UC in Ternopil Kyiv Oblast/Ternopil Oblast/22011800, recipient code 37977599, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA598999980334199896070019001, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “CARABINER A” (identification code 43838545; location: Lustdorfskaya road, building 101, Odessa city, 65088; settlement details for payment of license fee: UC recipient in Odessa/Kyiv district/22011800, recipient code 38016923, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA878999980334199896070015005, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “BEAR — PLUS” (identification code 41304176; location: Lustdorf Road, house 158, building 3, apartment 4, Odessa city, 65113; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in the city of Odessa/Kyiv Raion/22011800, recipient code 38016923, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA878999980334199896070015005, budget revenue classification code 22011800);

SUBSIDIARY ENTERPRISE “VODOECOTECHPROM” of Rivne Regional Production Municipal Enterprise of Water Plumbing and Sewerage Industry “RIVNEVALVODOKANAL” (identification code 43540208, location: Stepan Bandera street, house 2, Rivne city, 33028; settlement details for payment for the issuance of the license: the recipient of the UC in the city of Rivnom/city of Rivne/22011800, the recipient's code 38012714, the recipient's bank the Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA258999980334129896070017002, budget income classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “VICTORY SECURITY SERVICE AGENCY” (identification code 43804516; location: Budivelnykiv Avenue, house 33, city of Alexandria, Kirovohrad region, 28006; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Kropyvnytskyi/City Kropyvnytskyi/22011800, recipient code 38037409, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number (IBAN) UA698999980334109896070011002, budget revenue classification code 22011800).

2. Department of Communications (Shevchenko A.) to ensure the posting of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the publication of the working day decision on the next day.

3. Licensing Administration (Kamyshanov V.) to ensure control over the execution of this order.

Deputy Minister Serhiy HONCHAROV